
Jan 31, 2022

You Can Admire it, Without Acquiring It

“You can admire it, without acquiring it” 

I find this to be very powerful!

In a world full of influence and pretty shiny things you can easily be filled with wants.

Stuff is in our face more than ever. I remember my Mamma dreading commercials and catalogs arriving in the mail because it would make me and my sister want new things.  Gracious there’s even more exposure than ever before with online ads and social media. 

This also applies to other areas in life such as someone else’s family dynamic, career, home, travel and activities. Thanks to social media and bloggers, we can easily envy someone else’s blessings.  Instead we should celebrate them.  You can rejoice for someone else without feeling inadequate or jealous.

The reality is there will always be advertising and influence.

I can’t even begin to count the things I’ve purchased (that aren’t even me or my style) because I saw someone else in it, it was popular or at a good price. The absolute WRONG reasons to buy.

How do we admire things without wanting to acquire them?

Truth be told, I don’t have a solution and struggle with this daily!

But I have found a few practices that have been a big help …


I like to leave things in my online cart or put the item on hold in store for a night.  Sleep on the purchase to really give it some thought. Sometimes the desire will fade.


Evaluate the cost/wear or impact. Is it something that will add lasting value to your wardrobe or home? Or is it a one time use? Does it fit in your budget?


Ask yourself the reasons you want it. Is it because it’s popular, fancy or does it truly spark joy for you? 

What you have - What you wear - Where you Live - Where You Travel

These do NOT define Who you are

Dress Beautifully With What You Have

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 28, 2022

Friday Favorites: Wide Leg Jeans

 TGIF! Gals what a week!!! If you follow me on Instagram you may have heard in my stories that I am returning to work! SQUEAL!!! I've been praying about serving in a working capacity since having Vivian.  I'm sure I'll share about that journey in another blog post but for right now I'm just so so excited! #squeal

And since we're on the topic when it comes to jeans & work wide leg is the way to go.

I had this one pair of wide leg jeans about 10 years ago that I absolutely loved. They fit just right and made me feel like I actually had long legs.  I wore them all the time and often wish I still had them.

Wide leg jeans are a returning trend that's chic, comfortable and will add a fun refresh from your straight & skinny pairs. I have thicker legs and I'm petite but wide leg jeans flatter giving a long and lean look. 

Tip: When it comes to fit you don't want them too tight. 

Here are some great pairs of wide leg jeans ...

High Rise Wide Leg Crop

Light Wash

Light & Distressed

Slight Tapered Leg


Slim Wide Leg

Medium Cropped

Dark Gray 

Dress Beautifully in Wide Leg Jeans

XOXO Sarah Louise

Jan 26, 2022


Gals, when I shared my favorite shows with you last week, Yellowstone was #1. I've always loved westerns but even more so cowboys! But I'm going to stick with the style, not the my crush.

As with any specific style you want to hold back from looking like a costume.
The key is to add a modern pieces and elements of that look rather than a head to toe ensemble. 
This dress in a smocked detailed design reminds me of a silk Hermes scarf with a touch of the West in the horse print.

Rancher hats add a perfect outdoor look that's chic (and hides dirty hair). A hat isn't limited to a western look, pop it on with your favorite top and jeans and it instantly creates a fun outfit. 

Dress Beautifully in a Rancher Hat
XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 24, 2022

Sidekicks For Life

My literal sidekick! 

I spend most of my time with my darling Vivian Louise, and gracious is she fun, precious and loves me unconditionally; I also have Ryan, my soul mate and husband forever, my Mamma & sisters …. Family is just a category of its own when it comes to people in your life.

But they’re not my only loves. 

I don’t know about you but I get by with a little help from my friends. 

Being a friend and having friends is important.  They bear your burdens, make you laugh and encourage you along the journey of life.

I find that there’s a unique bond between women. We feel seen with each other. 

I want to be a friend  …

That Gives Grace

We all want the benefit of the doubt and forgiveness so let’s give it. We all say and do things that aren’t ‘just so’ but remembering another’s heart and intentions smooths over the misstep.

That Prays

Advise and opinions can be helpful but there’s nothing like the power of prayer for your pals.

That’s Trustworthy 

As women, our tongues can get us in real deep trouble. Confiding in one another without judgement or gossip is extremely important. 

That Asks

Invest in the happenings of other’s lives out of genuine care and celebration. Leave out the curiosity and comparison. 

That Laughs

Enjoy one another in our uniqueness with fun and laughter. Life can be heavy making the amusing times that much more important.

Dress Beautifully in Your Friendships

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 21, 2022

Friday Favorites: Shows

I refuse to allow a tv in our master bedroom ... and yet I stream most nights on my computer.  It makes sense to me. 

I'd like to say I snuggle up and read (far more sophisticated sounding) but the reality is that Ryan is only home approximately 3 nights a month and I can only stay awake for about a chapter (I blame my 5am wake up) so I doze off streaming. 

I've watched far more than I should and there's even shows I watched and didn't like such as Bridgerton and And Just Like That.  They're both 'too much' shall we say. 

So here are my top 10 favorite shows ...

MOST Favorite
Gals, I have a hot thing for cowboys, take me away! 
Also the plot is intense. I'm even watching the new prequel, 1883

A group of 3 southern gals & their friendship - me to a T! 
Season 2 premiers February 4th (do no disturb me)

I'm obsessed with the royals and thoroughly enjoyed the authenticity of this show.

I enjoyed this one. A bit odd but I definitely saw commonality 
with Reese Witherspoon's character. 

I immediately start to giggle as I type the title
This show is hilarious!!!

This one takes me back to my school days - very interesting 

This one is so real. 
It's a tear jerker and really made me appreciate the blessings I have as a Mamma.

I found this one when Vivian was a baby. It's a British show taking place in the 60's where midwifes and nuns care for expectant & new mothers.  It's outside my box but for some reason it is encouraging to me as a mother.

I love documentaries - so fascinating. I also love space.
This one was so heartbreaking at the end.

This is by far my most favorite home design show.
Grace loves color, sentimentality and lots of wallpaper. Oh and she's Southern! 
I would give anything for her to design our home 

Vivian loves to chill with Daniel Tiger! She also loves Rainbow Rangers, Gabby's Dollhouse

Dress Beautifully While You Netflix & Chill

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 19, 2022

Dress of Many


This dress is full of many colors & prints. A 'more is more' situation ... suits me perfectly! I'm not minimal when it comes to style. This particular dress caught my attention because the colors and prints are intriguing without being loud.  The prints are small and the colors are a mix of dark & bright creating a palette that's far from dull. 

Gracious, does this dress have ample colors! For me, I'm going to style it pulling from the lavender, pinks, and ivory but I can see someone else pulling from the red, sage green or black. The Carolina blue is nice too. What I mean by pulling is adding a sweater vest, blazer, jacket, headband or jewelry in that shade. 

As for shoes, I went with a boot but come spring a sandal will be nice. 

The puff sleeves, smocked bodice and midi length all give it a modern design with a comfortable fit.

I encourage you to wear a dress with lots of print and color and showcase your style with layering.

Cozy - sweater vest (color or neutral)
Edgy - moto jacket
Sophisticated - blazer or blazer vest
Casual - denim vest. 
Girly - Headband

Dress Beautifully in Many Colors & Prints

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 17, 2022


 I am interrupting my normally scheduled post due to fabulously frozen weather!

Yesterday, we woke up to snow!!! Well, technically more ice but who am I to ruin the magic of Vivian's first white winter day?!! 

I don't have any fashionable snow gear to talk about, in fact we just layered up in whatever we had and even got creative using Vivian's boogie board as a sled. 

We had so much fun together we forgot it was cold! 
Bonus: Ryan didn't have to go into the hospital as scheduled! 

We threw snowballs

We built a snowman

We went sledding down the driveway

And today we did it all again, enjoying the last few hours of frozen fun 
before the sun showed up to melt it all away...

I hope your weekend was full of fun 

and that on this MLK holiday you choose LOVING others.

Dress Beautifully in the Snow

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Jan 14, 2022

Friday Favorites: Headbands

TGIF! Gals, I can NOT believe I have not written a post on headbands. They're only the IT accessory over the past year +.  At first I was skeptical to jump on board, specifically because I felt that the style with the knot on top made me look like I had a horn coming out of my head ... unicorns are cute but not in this way. 

Often with unique trends I look back later and cringe with 'what was I thinking?!!' ... but at the time it was cool.  I believe this trend is going to linger and I've found designs that suit me and aren't extreme so that I don't have the cringe in years to come. 

Bonus: Headbands hide dirty hair! #praise

Here are some of my favorite headbands ...

I have this one in ivory & black

6 colors

6 colors
I gifted this set for Christmas

so classy

Lele Sadoughi is the hot designer for headbands
They are stunning but also a splurge

discrete & perfect for work
I've had this one for several years

I love these embellished bands 

Vivian in her first headband!
Gracious she looks so grown

Dress Beautifully in a Headband

XOXO Sarah-Louise