
May 6, 2015

What's in a name ...

Names are important.  Personally, my name is extra special.  You see, I'm the 4th woman in my family to carry the middle name 'Louise'.  My great grandma, grandma, my Mamma and myself are all the first born and we all have the middle name Louise.  
So from the start I was a legacy.  

But then my freshman year of high school my grandma, such an influential person, went to heaven.  I then decided I couldn't just be 'Sarah', I was 'Sarah Louise'.  My high school gal pals loved it :) ... besides there were at least 10 other gals with the name 'Sarah' in my class. I had to differentiate.
Four years later her mother, my great grandma, went to heaven.  They both died the day before my birthday 4 years apart.  To me that is the most special.  I carry my name with great pride! 

Today, most people call me 'SL' for short.  It may be too much for some to say 'Sarah Louise' but I love having two names, true southerners understand that for girls double names are a must. 

Sarah means 'princess' and Louise means 'beautiful' - I may not always feel like a princess but when I think of my name I am reminded of the most beautiful women in my world.  My inspirations.  I pray every day I grow to love God and others like my Mamma does. 

So why names??? .... Well last weekend when the news broke that Princess Kate had a baby girl I said to many of my gal pals, I hope she doesn't take my baby name! 

Now, let me be clear, Mr and I have no kiddos and may not ever have one, and we certainly have no guarantee on whether this imaginary baby would be a girl but as a dreamer and planner I do have my names picked out.

My girl name: 'Charlotte Louise' and for a boy ' Reece Warren' after my grandpa.

What did I tell you?!!! Princess Kate stole my baby name! Ok, so it's a classic name and I technically have no claims and it's really hard to be mad at a princess I look up to for her impeccable style. 

I got plenty of texts and messages, trying to make me feel better that my imaginary baby girl name was taken - reminding me that for the next couple of years there will be tons of little girl babies born with my chosen girl name.  

Who knows if I'll ever get to use it but either way, I have my own name that every day inspires me to be better. 

I don't have an outfit for you today but how about that yellow floral dress Princess Kate wore when showing the world her new baby?!!! 

Similar options: HereHereHere & Here 

Dress Beautifully 

XOXO Sarah Louise

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