
Jan 3, 2017

Pop Fizz Clink

Break's over - back to blogging ...

with a hot cup of black coffee #naturally


What a refreshing time.  Time to reflect and time to look forward.  It's a blank slate, and a new beginning.

I have a sense of accomplishment at the new year as I close one year full of life events and milestones and begin filling up a new year.  I have to admit, not all of last year's happenings were happy.  Some were sad and down right heartbreaking but that's life.  It makes you stronger and better. Just remember all your undeserved blessings.

With that, I like to start off by sending some cheer. Snail mail is the best mail.
A hand written note is a such a sweet and sentimental kindness, an art I believe in.

First step in setting up my new year, a new planner!  I look forward to this.  I'm obsessed with paper.  I'm constantly making a list and crossing things off.  In an age of technology, I'm all old school when it comes to staying organized. For the past 4 years I've had the same planner (different prints).  It's just the right size and layout for keeping track of the elements of my life.

Note: I immediately start filling it out month by month with birthdays and important events.

I also use this weekly note/mouse pad & this Little Gold Book kept in my purse for jotting down ideas as they strike

The word resolution is on everyone's mind this time of year. Right after Christmas we can finally take a minute to relax and think about ourselves and what we want to change.

I don't make resolutions.  I make goals.

What do I want to accomplish?
How can I grow?
In what ways am I going to serve?

While I keep my body healthy with good nutrition and daily exercise keeping my mind and heart healthy I find to be more difficult.  The world is full of ugly so guarding yourself is a huge challenge.  We are drowning in overindulgence and temptations.

One of my goals is to glorify God in everything.

That sounds impossible, but it's something I want to work hard to do.  That means spending time in the Word, loving others and being a ministry through your life and works; including this blog.

Remember my gift guide for gal pals post I shared before Christmas? Well, I had to treat myself to the books that I actually did gift a few ladies. I've really enjoyed reading Grace Not Perfection.  It's uplifting and encouraging.  The pressure of perfection can wear you down paper thin.  While I may not have thousands of readers, lots of 'likes' or immaculate pictures each and every post is created and written with 100% authenticity. XOXO SL

Another goal of mine is to wear my grace goggles.  With myself and others.  Give the benefit of the doubt, love the unlovely and forgive.  You hear it all the time "I am so busy", remember to slow down  and stop to smell the roses.

My imperfectly perfect space 
I took this not with my 'fancy' camera but just a quick snap with my iPhone 
I didn't stop and adjust the bags under my desk, the hanging cords, or placements  
This is where I sit to write to you gals - all natural 

So when I think about this blog of mine now that it's 3 years old!!! #hbd and where to take 'Dress Beautifully' in 2017 this verse came to heart ...

"She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future" Prov 31:25 

Let's Pop. Fizz. Clink. to 2017 and strive to dress all aspects of ourselves beautifully.  

XOXO Sarah Louise

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