
Nov 15, 2017

Bolder the Better

The bolder the better!  Leopard and red are two bold prints and colors that personally I find striking together.  It's complimentary.  If you're not into the bold on bold combo I also find that leopard and red both pair well with pastels - highly unexpected contrast.

Gals, I'm 30 weeks with baby girl tomorrow and I'm feeling it!

Confession:  so sick last night I cried! I know this is a blessing but I literally almost threw up on the cat when I got home from work and thank goodness I made it to the kitchen sink because the idea of having to bathe my cat in my own vomit is traumatizing! And poor Mr, he comes home from long days in the ER to a sad case for a wife.  Not to mention 4th quarter pressures at work with my pending maternity leave is about to break me.  To say I'm counting down is an understatement. 
Sorry to rant but it's my reality - are there any other Mammas out there hanging by a thread like me??!!
I'll spare you my other complaints of largeness, ankle swelling, limited mobility and the struggle to put on my tights!

Again, counting down! I do find that going into her nursery and holding her things adds a glimmer of light to the darkness.  but then I just dash to the bathroom and ...

Tomorrow I'll write a joyful post :)

But hey I'm dressing my belly beautifully!

Earrings  ||  Cuff Bracelet  || 

Dress Beautifully in Leopard & Red

XOXO Sarah Louise 


  1. Hang in there, mama! I just had a baby boy in May and was also sick everyday well into my third trimester, it trickled off a little bit by the end, but my food aversions stayed up until I gave birth. When you do give birth, it's like someone flips a switch and you're back to yourself again. I promise! Remember to give yourself lots of grace, your body is doing amazing things! And as soon as they place that sweet baby girl in your arms, you won't remember ANY of this :) haha!

  2. Definitely hanging on by a thread ;). I've got surgery tomorrow, moved twice in the past 2 months and 4th quarter numbers are dismal at best.

    If it makes you feel any better, I got a fast and loose case of food poisoning while in Denver for work last month, and puked in my lap on the interstate.... So by missing the cat you're doing better than I am, and I'm not even pregnant.

    You look beautiful and you're killing it at your job. Hang in there momma, you're in the home stretch. <3


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