
Mar 13, 2019

Hint of Spring

I dare say that Spring is in the air! More like it hasn't rained in 3 days so I'm celebrating the sunshine and outside as much as possible.
Florals for Spring -  revolutionary right?!!

Sprinkling in pretty printed blooms surely does give your outfits that Springy look. Rather than mix the brighter, lighter flowers with lighter brighter neutrals, stick to the deep dark neutrals for the transition from winter to spring. Like navy, black Burgundy and plum for example.

And once Easter finally gets here (so late this year!) you can go ahead and slip into those white jeans. Or just skirt the rules and wear them whenever you want.

This blouse is one of my best additions this year. It's comfortable and the collar is absolutely gorgeous and feminine.
The paper bag pant is a must! It whittles your waist and if that wasn't enough they're super comfortable.

Also, I'm a big advocate of the ankle length pant.  It allows for any type of shoe creating a variety of looks & styles.

Dress Beautifully with a Touch a Spring

XOXO Sarah Louise


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