
May 6, 2019

Mamma Monday: Treasures of Motherhood

Happy Monday Mammas!  I just love Mondays don't you? New week, fresh start AND baby Vivian Louise is on the mend back to her happy self! She was sick once for about 12 hours but this little weekend virus had her down for a couple days.

Fever, no appetite or energy - she was just pitiful! Praise for Motrin and snuggles.  At first I assumed it was teething because gracious they're all coming in at once, even her 4 molars. But the fever kept coming back and she was just so sad (and puked down my shirt... more than once ewwwww).  It's funny as gross as it was, and it was gross, I just moved forward trying so hard to comfort her and ease her pain. Bless her heart, she was trying to play and smile but her baby struggle was real.

You've heard that through hard times come many blessings.  It really is true! I stopped, slowed down and forgot all about the to-do's (eh maybe not forgot but easily put them aside) and snuggled my darling.  All she wanted was her Mamma and I soaked up her need with pleasure.

Who cares about any other affirmation when you get the best there is from being a Mamma! #amen

So with Mother's Day this Sunday, all the gift ideas are coming at you like water from a fire hose.  Here are some that I love that will be cherished.  They won't add meaningless clutter or be a waste of money.  They just take a little time and effort.

You know what will never disappoint? A framed picture! We have countless pictures on our phones and shared on social media - print those beauties! Give a stack so that they can be displayed on the fridge or put in an album for viewing.
And don't forget the candid every day photos they're as precious as the professional ones.

I'm going to attempt painting a pot using Vivian's hands with a planted geranium in it for my Mamma. It was her Mamma's  favorite flower and we used to give them to her every Mother's Day so I find it special to pass the tradition. I even plant them around our home every year.
Plants are my favorite gift to give!

If you have older kiddos try framing a nice piece of their art work.  My nephew has given me two really nice pieces that I have displayed. While they may not be gallery worthy, to me they are priceless originals!

I CAN NOT wait until Vivian can create masterpieces for us!

A hand written note of gratitude and love is better than any Hallmark sentiment.  People are more encouraged by your own words than what the store creatives write for you.

This little tote bag belongs to a special gal pal of mine.  Her daughter made it for her at her preschool and it's so precious and useful! I may try and make one of these too! (for myself teehee) I may be getting too ambitious when it comes to crafting with a 16 month old.

You can't go wrong with a painted coffee mug but not sure you have enough time.  But also great for birthdays and other holidays.  I mean ALL Mammas are living on coffee! #truth

OK I think you gals get the idea - go on Pinterest it's a black hole for these crafty gifts!

If you do want to buy something over making a gift I like skincare/make up gift sets & Here, a nice toothbrush, a fit bit, sun hat, water/coffee mug, colored earrings, and a nice journal.

Give something made with love and it will be a treasure your Mamma holds dear.

PS What matters more than the nice brunch and pretty presents is quality time! Even if it's FaceTime it's the most valuable :)

** If your Mamma is in heaven or maybe you have a baby in heaven (I do and my heart misses him every. single. day.) or maybe you're wanting to be a Mamma.  I lift you up and pray that you have peace knowing God has a perfect plan with a purpose for you!!!!

Dress Beautifully with Gifts to Treasure this Mother's Day

XOXO Sarah Louise

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