
Jun 3, 2019

Mamma Monday: Salty Toes & Sandy Kisses

Happiest of Mondays that ever was!!! That's what today is.  I'm on vacation but after debating whether or not to write I decided to quickly hop on while Vivian is taking a nap.

There are no words to depict the joy and happiness of seeing sweet Vivian's toes in the sand and her arms splashing in the ocean for the very first time!  Mr and I haven't been on a week long vacation in several years and the escape from the hustle and bustle is such a blessing. We also realized that vacation is way more fun with Vivian! Who knew building sand castles, collecting seashells and splashing in the water could be such a celebration.

I'm truly aware of the luxury that it is to be vacationing in a house ocean front for a whole week. I am eternally grateful for the memories we are able to make.  No picture could ever truly capture them.

But here are some of me and my mini on the seashore ...

Moments after we arrived and the first time her tiny toes were in the sand.
She already found her first seashell.

She wasn't quite sure of the water.

My Tunic - super comfortable, light and just so pretty

Pure Joy

My first one piece and I have to admit, my Mamma gal pals were right, they are more practical for playing in the sand.

Soaking up all her love!

My first tankini and again, very practical for #momlife

Staying hydrated

This two piece is also Mamma friendly with lots of coverage and support.

Her very first taste of ice cream! 
She wouldn't lick the cone but loved it from a spoon.

Isn't it just Marvelous to be a Mamma?!!!!!

Dress Beautifully with Sandy Toes

XOXO Sarah Louise

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