
Jul 8, 2019

Mamma Monday: What I Wore IRL

Happy Monday Mammas!  I hope you gals had a delightful weekend with your littles. We splashed around at the indoor pool (don't even get me started on the blazing heat) and had a great time at church yesterday. Our church serves lemonade and cookies on our front porch after the service for a time of fellowship and Vivian got to taste a sugar cookie for the first time. Literally she had two tiny bites because I'm not keen on her eating sugar #firsttimemamma

Today's post is all about what I wear 'In Real Life' (IRL)

How's this for IRL haha
I think I'm ordering salad for supper (my hatred for cooking apparently won this day)

So you gals know fashion aka Dressing Beautifully is my passion DUH but I have dedicated Mondays to sharing thoughts on motherhood with you. I am a Mamma now and I'm proud of it! I believe incorporating that part of me doesn't take away from the mission of this little blog.

Hence, the subject of Mamma fashion.  Brace yourself I may step on some toes! ekkkk
NO yoga pants are NOT ok outside of actually bending on your mat.
NO messy knots of hair on your head are NOT ok after 9am.
NO pajamas are NOT ok to wear all day (unless you're sick I do have exceptions).
NO gym clothes of any kind are NOT ok to wear outside of actually sweating.

Just because you are a Mamma does NOT mean you have to look like a hot mess.

But I get it, no Mamma is wearing a full face, starched dress shirt and a pencil skirt at home playing.

So let's talk balance.

It was an epic transition for me to go fro the corporate office to home.  And if I'm being honest with you I'm still not adjusted.

A headband to hide my dirty mane! And a denim shirt and I can pretty much guarantee I'm wearing a pair of white jeans. 

Listen, I only wash my mane 2 times a week (regardless of my daily sweat sessions) so I'm never going to think a gal needs to wash, dry and set her hair daily. Ain't NOBODY got time for that!
Take a minute, literally 1 minute to comb your hair, spritz some dry shampoo on your roots, fluff it with a round brush and a dryer and move on.  There are quick ways to pin it back with clips, a pony tail or a pretty headband.
Ugh who ever made the messy top knot trendy, lacks class. #sorry I warned you.

I wear sooooo much less makeup these days.  My meetings don't take place in a conference room but rather at the library, target or the grocery store. #momlife BUT I do wear a light layer of foundation, blush, eyebrow tint, mascara and lipstick. I can apply that in less than 5 mins. Boom!

As for my outfits, I'm still dressier than I see other Mammas but I have to be me.
Wearing white has been a challenge.  It's a majority of my wardrobe and the worst to wear with a toddler who has dirty little hands. sigh I use a lot of stain remover.

Tip: Prints hide stains! Also, cotton is forgiving

Here's what I've worn IRL out and about. I'm comfortable, casual and NOT a hot mess ....

Pretty sure this was a Walmart trip for diapers

Errands ... probably a trip to Target

Memorial Day. All American classic.

This easy dress for shopping on our beach vacation.

Out for some errands.

A trip to the library for story time.

Our last day at the beach.

Taking Vivian to her first day of Summer camp a few weeks ago.

A trip to the library, we go a lot!

Wore this yesterday for some errands 

Nap time is almost over and it would take way too much time to link all my pieces and some I've had for many years.  Send me a note if there's something in particular you'd like me to source for you :)

Dress Beautifully Mammas

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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