
Aug 12, 2019

Mamma Monday: Back to School Prep

Happy Monday Mammas! Back-to-school is my all time favorite shopping.  I'm NOT into Christmas or even birthdays but the start of a new school year with fresh supplies and a new beginning with endless learning potential, now that's excitement I'm thrilled to prepare for!

After earning my degrees my school days are over, and sweet Vivian Louise is just 19 months old so her back-to-school consists of a small backpack, a few new outfits and lunch essentials. Although we are working with big crayons and finger paint but honestly it's just a swirly mess.  She'll be attending preschool a few days a week starting after Labor Day.

I'm not going to try and source ALL the back to school things for your littles because well that's just overwhelming.  What I will share with you are a few extra things I found that are fun for Mammas and kiddos of all ages to prepare for the year ahead.

We use these bands on Vivian's water bottles and stickers on her clothes, diapers, wipes, etc...
They're fantastic for preschool, church and all our activities away from home.

Sticker Labels

Lunch Box Notes:
I'm obsessed with hand written notes! I send out correspondence in the mail every week.  I suppose I got this from my Mamma.  She would always put encouraging and loving notes in our lunches. 
These are cute and simple.  As soon as Vivian can read she will receive love notes in her lunch!

1st Day Picture Signs:
Because we have to document every month their first year and ALL the other firsts #momlife

Vivian's not quite old enough for these yet, but I would be using them if she was!

I'm using this board to title her 1st day of preschool photos and for the years ahead.

I live a VERY organized life!!! There is NO clutter in our home during nap or once she's in bed. EVERYTHING has a home (and our living space is NOT a home for her toys). We have baskets, bins and shelves to contain her belongings.

Those backpacks, lunchboxes, paperwork and sports equipment need a home.  Prepare now with wall hooks, bins, wall shelves etc... 
Because no one has time in the mornings to be hunting for your stuff or a mess! 

Creating a space for homework is important too.  A place where your kiddos can sit and focus. Have drawers/shelves dedicated to housing supplies such as paper, pencils, markers, scissors etc..  This also avoids mess!

High Five for Vivian's 1st Year of Preschool!

Dress Beautifully Preparing for a New School Year!

XOXO Sarah-Louise


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