
Aug 19, 2019

Mamma Monday: Seasons

Happy Monday Mammas! For some of you it's back to school for your littles.  This can be a bittersweet time for as much as we want them to stay our little babies it's exciting to watch them grow and learn.  #allthefeels

You've all heard it, 'there's a time for everything' or 'it's just a phase' and 'a season of life'.  Well, motherhood is not only a new time/season it's full of it's own set of seasons.

When I look back on my life, gracious there were some epic seasons ... college, climbing the corporate ladder, marriage, military service (the deployment!), back to the office grind, and then sweet Vivian Louise!!! Now this season is sweeter than ALL the blooms of Spring. That was super cheesy but so true :)

When Mr and I talk about our life as a family of 3 we refer to our first year as survival.  I somewhat wish that wasn't true but we were really on a repeat cycle of eat, play, sleep.
It's easy to want to wish away seasons of our lives and super easy to want to escape our current season or even just stop the current season right where it is.
But the world keeps turning.

The middle school students in my Sunday school class are a mix of excited and dreadful over the start of school - I feel ya kids!

Currently, I'm LOVING every. single. moment. of being her Mamma every day BUT I'm missing my role in the corporate world every. single. day. When you hear that motherhood is a sacrifice it's 100% true! There is no right or wrong but simply a choice and purpose we all have to fulfill.
I'm grateful with all of my heart that God shut the door to a dreadful job and opened the one of nurturing our baby.

Confession:  the fashion blogger in me misses my suits and pumps soooo much - I occasionally get dressed in my work clothes to embrace that part of me.  No, I'm not crazy I'm just trying to navigate life and sustain the many facets of me ... even if that means playing a little dress up at 36.

In just 2 weeks we will embark on a new season as Vivian starts preschool.  It has me exploring new opportunities.  I don't ever want to go back to a season because with each new one I've grown and learned things to take into the next. But I'm ready to embrace a new way of serving.

While I don't know what the future holds I do know this that I leave you with ...

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

  • God created seasons in our lives to shape us, help us deal and create us into who HE intended us to be.
  • He uses them to show us that He is good and make everything beautiful for its own time
  • God will change the season of life we're in when He's ready to change something about us.
  • God wants us to trust Him through the easy and more difficult seasons.
  • Remember God promises to make it beautiful in HIS time

Be in constant prayer for what God has in store for each and every season!

Dress Beautifully in Every Season of Motherhood

XOXO Sarah-Louise


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