Thankfully here, the weather was warm and sunny this weekend allowing for lots of playing outside.
Pants free weekend #pottytraining
So far she's done wonderful :)
Ryan was off of work for 2 days and I can't put into words how amazing it was to spend time together as a family. It is something we rarely ever get and even rarer that we get 2 weekend days! We won't have it again until June.
Confession: I'm battling jealousy hardcore!!! In case you didn't know, Ryan practices medicine in the ER and works insane long hours, and a significant amount of them are nights. He is on the front lines of this pandemic and as I see all the husbands working from home, united with their families, I get green with envy. I'm praying for peace, and doing my best to do so with a grateful heart.
I am proud of his service heart and missing him isn't new. He was previously an officer in the US Navy and deployed to the Middle East 4 years ago.
Since our normal schedule of activities isn't an option I've have to create a new one. Last week was one of adjustment while going forward I believe we will be operating under an alternative one that still checks off the boxes in a structured way, because that's how I thrive!
I write a list of what we will do for the following day in chronological order each night. I find that by organizing the tasks by time helps bring them to fruition.
I'm not completely rigid, each day is different with its tasks and I do want to allow room for interruptions and spontaneity and weather constraints.
For example, if you just have things down mentally you forget and if you just have a list with no order things get pushed or not accomplished at all. If you have children, you know there must be strategy because very little can be done while they're awake!
Here are the 5 things I'm doing daily to maintain serenity & sanity ....
1. Always get dressed
I put on clothing every day. I keep it casual for practicality but I have on a top and shorts/pants that have zippers. I also coif my mane and put on make up even if it's just a little. This helps me to feel confident and put together to tackle my day. Just because I don't leave my property doesn't mean the day is any less important.
2. Exercise
This has been the most difficult challenge of this whole ordeal. I'm an addict to physical fitness however I'm accustomed to doing it at the gym with a few runs outside each week. I had child care at the gym but now I have to sweat while Vivian is asleep. However, I'm accustomed to tackling other tasks while she slumbers. I'm kicking the pity party to the curb and sweating joyfully in my closet that doubles as a gym (& my office). I have equipment and my goodness there are so many online workouts to take advantage of!
3. Be Outside
It's my most favorite place to be and I'm tickled pink it's Vivian's too. We play, run, tend our garden & yard, read basically anything we can under the sun. It's calming and refreshing to be in God's creation.
4. Clean & Organize
Cleanliness is next to Godliness! I was raised on this and believe whole heartedly in it. But beyond keeping our home spic and span we are combing through each cabinet shelf, drawer and closet with extreme detail. I say that because we are already close to minimalists as we detest clutter and possessing excess.
I also did a closet edit putting my cold weather pieces into storage and bringing out my warm weather pieces. I evaluated each garment before it was stored, hung or folded.
Tip: Make sure pieces that need alterations & dry cleaning are addressed (don't just put them in a bag or pile to sit).
Next: Tackling wrinkles! Everything that needs it will get ironed or steamed!
5. Connect
I'm an extreme extrovert and light up when I'm with my family and friends. God called us to gather and commune with one another but since the circumstances don't allow that let's use the tools He's given us!
We can text, call, email, send hand written notes (I often include printed pictures), and my favorite FaceTime! I video nearly every day and have started using the Zoom app to teach my junior high Sunday school class and to see my gal pals in groups! It's great for children to gather as well.
Dress Beautifully While Social Distancing
XOXO Sarah-Louise
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