
Mar 30, 2020

Mamma Monday: Success

Happy Monday Mammas!

Gracious what a time we are living in!  Mom life is different for ALL of us right now. Whatever your circumstances, there are challenges you never saw coming.

We had plans to potty train Vivian over Spring Break, the week following Easter, since she would be out of school and I could stay home with her.  That changed 2 weeks ago and we decided to go for it since she was already so eager and we had no where to go.

We cheered and celebrated!!!

This is a big success in the world of motherhood! While it was easy for her to learn, it is a big milestone and changes our family lifestyle (in a wonderful diaper free way!)

I then found myself in a place of insecurity because outside of the past 2 years, March was the time of year I would celebrate bonus payouts in my job.  My career was the foundation for most of my celebrations and here I am praising things like sleeping through the night, her first steps and going to the potty. I always intended to maintain my career through motherhood.  Not having my career has been my biggest struggle since becoming a Mamma. I'm insecure not having that office with my name on it. Anyone else??

I am fighting an atmosphere of comparison. There is content all around us that can stir up feelings of inadequacy but know that God has a specific plan and purpose for YOU!

I was truly proud of my darling girl and I want to remove the cloud creeping in that makes me feel like this success is less than and doesn't deserve to shine.

Maybe it's all this time at home stirring up these feelings.  No matter the cause I want to turn them around and head towards a place of contentment.

If you're currently struggling with what 'success' is for you, I want to send you some encouragement.

Maybe you are trying to balance working from home, educating your children or gracious maybe both!!!

Success is not your job title, how deep your bank account is, the number of likes or followers, how beautifully decorated & tidy your home is, how well behaved your children are, how far you ran & how much you lifted nor is it how beautiful your outfit is (but let's still make them that way shall we).
These are just a few of my personal battles I'm determined to overcome!

Let's be proud of our accomplishments and always acknowledge with gratitude that with God you got there! The list doesn't have to be completed for your day to be successful.

Do your best and if there's laughter, your day already has the best success there is!

Dress Beautifully in Your Success

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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