
Apr 8, 2020

Party Piece

While having a party might not be how we'd describe our days of late, this month does hold a lot to celebrate, including my birthday (37!) And my most favorite day of the entire year, Easter Sunday.
That's a whole lot of blessings!

Personally, I don't feel a day over 27 - is it delusional to say I look just as young??

I want to have fun and party a little, or a lot, this month - even on this blog. I've added sharing our home updates on Tuesdays and for the fashion segments its all about party pieces!

I fill a majority of my closet with classic pieces but I believe you should sprinkle fun ones in too.
Isn't this party top so much fun?!! I mean, it's hard not to smile just looking at it.
Wearing it on the other hand equals so much sass.

With Winter behind me I was wanting some happy looks but as I was searching I found that a lot of party pieces were so unique they'd be a one time wear, showed too much skin and just plain unrealistic.

I loved this one because it's uniqueness wasn't too outrageous and pairing options were versatile to carry it through multiple occasions. Think shorts or jeans for a night out and a skirt for church.

Note: It has a very low neckline but I was easily able to pin it.

I encourage you to add some fun to your closet this season, even if you have to wear it on a backyard date night.

Polka Dot Bow Top | Black Pants | Pumps & Here | Sunglasses |

Dress Beautifully in a Party Piece

XOXO Sarah-Louise


  1. It sure dos! I love it. Very fun and comfortable. I did pin the neckline as it was a bit low but an easy fix.


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