
Oct 12, 2020

Mamma Monday: Organized Playroom

Happy Monday Mammas! If you were raised in the South you grew up hearing your Mamma say that 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'.  And I'm here to tell you that as a grown up, with my very own home to manage, I completely agree.  I've become increasingly more tidy over the years, especially after bringing home our darling Vivian Louise. Those sweet babies bring so much stuff!

And while my Mamma was a great influence, I've learned how to 'Spark Joy' with our belongings thanks to Marie Kondo and how to edit & arrange in rainbow order thanks to 'The Home Edit'. And if you need real life helping hands, here in Charlotte Organized Marie is the best of the best to come to your space and get it into tip-top organized shape. 

Vivian Louise, isn't a baby anymore, but a bright, tender-hearted little girl. She plays pretend, dress up, colors, and is learning so much each day as she plays with her big girl toys. 

I have reorganized her closet/playroom to incorporate toddler toys and sigh, have gathered her baby toys to be parted with.  Mammas, it's heartbreaking how fast they grow!


I kept everything reachable so that she can play with her toys (and clean them up) all by herself. I originally wanted to orient the cube shelves vertically side-by-side on one wall but they disappointingly didn't fit by 1 inch. Every space is unique. Keep that in mind when organizing and do what's best with what you have. 

I organized her board books by color.  Not only is it pretty but it's great for teaching her how to find and return books. 

She loves strolling her dolls (and treasures - things she's acquired around our home like a little pack rat)  in her carriage around and often into our room to play while I'm getting ready in the mornings.

Her precious dresses, hanging above, make me smile!

This shelf, I did orient vertically and she can still reach.  It also allows for a bit more floor space. 

A rug not only adds fun colors but makes for a soft surface to play on. It's not quite a perfect fit but perfection isn't necessary for play.

Dress Your Home & Play Space Organized Beautifully

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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