Happy Monday dear friends! Every November there's a focus on being thankful and celebrating the blessings we've been given, but I believe we should live this way all of the time.
We've all heard the quote, "Start each day with a grateful heart'. And amen we really should!
EVERYTHING we are and everything we have is a gift, an undeserved gift, from God that merits a grateful heart.
But gratitude isn't just a blessing at the dinner table or a feel good mantra, it's a discipline.
It's easy to be grateful in seasons of prosperity, when your bank account is growing, your home warm and family healthy.
But when the storms come and the days look like impossible mountains, that is when we need to be thankful the most and yet it's the farthest from our minds.
Rather than a response to our circumstances, let's practice gratitude as a discipline of the heart, one that requires attention and constant effort.
Here are some ways to help make gratitude a discipline ...
1. Write it down
Consider keeping a journal by your bedside to record in the mornings & at night and also at the dinner table for everyone to write in.
I find that writing things down solidifies them into my mind. I created countless notecards in college and I still keep a paper agenda and gracious I create a ton of lists ... If you're more into technology you can record them into your phone/computer.
2. Reflect
Place a note by your vanity mirror, closet mirror or by your door so that you see a reminder to pause and be grateful.
I find that as we are working to get ready for the day we fail to see the beauty that's already there. You're alive to start another day in the beautifully made body God gave you. Make up and clothes can not match your inner beauty.
3. Be in Nature
Step outside and just look around. Take a deep breath and marvel at the wonder of God's creation. Even if it's stepping out of your office into a parking lot or backdoor at home, look up at the sky, at the colorful leaves on the trees and flowers on the ground and know that there is goodness all around.
4. Share
Participate in a group text, start a 'thankful Thursday' post on social media (I follow a gal who's done this for years and it's so encouraging) or just partner with someone special to share. For the entire month everyone in my MOPS group are sharing something we're grateful for on a Facebook post every day. It's been so much fun!
5. Take Inventory
Clean out your closets! I guarantee we all have more than we need and want. Donate or pass to others the items that you no longer use. I promise not only will it bless another but it will be rewarding to yourself. I also believe it will grow your appreciation for what you have.
You can also find time in your calendar to serve others in your community by volunteering. Every hour makes a big difference.
Note: Some may say that I overshare my darling Vivian, but I say that children have a special way of adding joy to every day!
Dress Your Heart Beautifully with Gratitude
XOXO Sarah-Louise
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