
Jan 27, 2021

Dots Like Diana

Polka dots are a classic print that's sophisticated while also very fun! Royals have worn the pretty print for decades inspiring me to incorporate it into my own wardrobe. My Mamma and I have thoroughly enjoyed the fashions of Princess Diana and Princess Kate and after watching The Crown on Netflix and reading lots of style books (I love this one that my sister gifted me for Christmas) I've come to really enjoy the dot print.

While black, navy and white combinations are striking, pink is my favorite color paired with the print. 

This dress instantly made me think of Princess Diana when she wore polka dots and Princess Kate as she often wears the pretty print too.  I ordered it and upon tryin it on felt like the long sleeves that it had not only overwhelmed my frame (I rarely wear long sleeves for this reason) but also limited the piece to cooler occasions. I decided to alter the sleeves to an elbow length for more versatility. The shorter sleeves create more balance in the proportions. With a longer length and high neck there needed to be some visibility of my body in the bodice. In a bold color and print, covering me head to toe was just too overwhelming. 

I encourage you to consider hemming or shortening the sleeves of your dresses to create the balance that best suits you! It's an inexpensive way to create a custom fit! This cost me $15 and a 3 day wait. 

Example: If the Upper body is covered - make the hem a bit shorter vice versa if the hem is long or voluminous expose the upper body with the neckline or lack of sleeves.

I did add a vintage belt to add definition, structure and to break up the print.  This isn't necessary as the dress has a unique off center pleat for an asymmetric design but belts are my thing! 

Dress Beautifully in Pink Polka Dots

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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