
Mar 29, 2021

Holy Week in a Box

What a very special week this is! It is the time we take to remember, reflect and celebrate the events that took place around Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and rising again!

I want to share with you an activity you can do with children to help teach them about these events in a fun way. This is great for preschoolers all the way through elementary school age.  It's a wonderful opportunity for older children to teach the younger ones.


You'll need a small box, a figurine of some kind, green paper, a small piece of cloth & a marker.
Here is a link to make a little booklet explaining the special events.


We remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem, the branches waving and shouts of "Hosanna!" 
John 12:12-13
Cut the green paper to resemble 2 or more palm branches. 
Tell the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 
Reenact the events using the figurine and leaves shouting "Hosanna!"


Draw a simple cup & loaf of bread on the lid of the box.
The last supper. Jesus stands at the table and shares the meal with his disciples. We remember how he told us to do the same.


Draw a simple cross on the back of the box. 
Ask the Lord to help you explain the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to wash away our sins.
You can talk about how sad Jesus' friends were and how grateful we should be that he took the punishment for us. 

In the evening, cover Jesus with the piece of fabric and place him in the tomb.


An empty tomb! He is risen!!!

Share the great news that when Jesus' friends went to visit His tomb it was empty. 
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

I love to sing songs with Vivian.  It's fun and a great way to learn.
O Happy Day! is one of her favorites

Here's another fun song to the tune of "Are you Sleeping?":

Here's the cross. Here's the cross 
(make a cross with your fingers)

Jesus died. Jesus died. 
(use finger to make tears fall from your eyes down your cheeks)

See the tomb. 
(cup hands to reveal empty tomb)

He's Alive! He's Alive!
(clap to the beat)

Happy Easter from My Family to Yours!

Dress Beautifully Celebrating Holy Week

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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