They say it takes a village to raise a child, I say it takes one to raise a mother.
Friends are important. Call them a tribe, gang, village, posse, homies, or what I use, cheer squad! We aren't made to journey alone but rather God gave us one another to bear each others burdens, celebrate the blessings and to love as He loved us!
When Vivian started preschool at just 21 months old I heard about a group called 'MOPS', Mothers of Preschoolers. It's national so if you're a mother of young children, I encourage you to look to see if there's one that meets near you. I was hesitant but knew deep down I had to try. I was LONELY! I was LOST! I had decided to take a break from my career to be with Vivian and had no clue how to navigate this new season.
I remember picking out my outfit to meet these new gals for our first meeting, being nervous about what I'd say and what they'd think of me. Turns out they're all Mammas doing their best just like me. We are all so unique that it makes for well rounded perspectives and lots of laughs!
It's been 2 years now with this group of Mammas and despite the circumstances we've stuck together meeting virtually, in backyards and even in a parking lot.
I want to share with you just a few pieces of encouragement I've received from my MOPS cheer squad ...
1. Have Fun
Life is to be enjoyed. Make sure despite the responsibilities and to-do's you have fun. Children are a lot of work but they're also a lot of fun. Do the things that make you smile and laugh.
2. You're Doing God's Work
Raising children is challenging. Give it ALL to Him for strength, patience, endurance and guidance through it!
3. Chose Joy Over Perfection
Let's be real, I'm a type A person that thrives in control and within my perfectly defined schedule. I'm literally giggling because life just doesn't go they way I plan it to. It's not picture perfect, but it is perfectly & purposefully designed for me. A happy Mamma who chooses to do things that bring joy over an expectation of how & what things should be shares that joy with her family.
4. Give Grace
Give grace to yourself, your children and to others!
5. Do it ALL in Love
Whether it is the chores, errands, playtime, or fellowship, fill your words and actions with love and gratitude. Think about it with the perspective that you 'get to' rather than 'have to'. Be a blessing to those around you. Share God's love!
Dress Beautifully with Your Cheer Squad
XOXO Sarah-Louise
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