
Aug 9, 2021

Dynamic Duo

A dear gal pal of mine reached out last week to schedule a day of fun with her children alongside Vivian and I.  She so kindly referred to us as a 'Dynamic Duo'.  I can't quite explain it precisely but I was utterly flattered and it made me so very happy. We are together just us two more than most (I chose to be with her over my career and Ryan works extremely long hours in the ER).

While I can't know how I'm perceived virtually, those who know me in real life can attest that I am definitely dynamic with very unique traits. As is my Vivian Louise!!! It's truly like having a tee tiny version of myself in tow.

She's always alongside me bringing joy, laughter, lots and lots of questions and love that knows no measure. While there are moments I long for a bit of independence I choose to cherish the blessing of her!

Confession: When I was expecting our darling girl I had hoped she'd inherit my looks (thick red hair & big green eyes) and Ryan's personality (focused, intelligent, calm). I can hear God laughing as He definitely graced us with the exact opposite.  She looks just like him dimples and all but behaves just like me as girlie and enthusiastic as can be!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor
Ecclesiastes 4:9

God designed us to be together with others and I believe it's so important that the company we keep be honorable and upstanding. Relationships can be challenging but He will give us the right people at the right time.

Here are traits I find best fitting for a sidekick ....

1. Loving.  Showing love looks different for everyone but it should be kind, patient, generous and forgiving. 

2. Humorous. Laughter is so very very good for the soul. 

3. Honest. Life is full of choices to make and paths to take. Guidance that also has accountability is vital.

4. Loyal. We are called to bear each other's burdens. Being there with support and encouragement.

5. Cheerful. How wonderful it is to celebrate the blessings in each other's lives without comparison or jealousy. 

Let's challenge ourselves and others to be the best we can be!

Dress Beautifully in Alongside One Another

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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