
Nov 22, 2021

A Thankful Heart

Happy Monday gals! It seems to me that a lot of us have skipped past Thanksgiving and jumped right into Christmas with decorating and shopping. This doesn't surprise me in the retail world but in our homes before we begin decking our halls, gifting and celebrating I believe it's important to give thanks for the blessing we already have.

Vivian brought home this paper heart from school and it made me pause and think about my own heart.  It is amazing what we learn through the world of a child. 

I want to have a heart that's thankful, humble, forgiving and loving.

Here are 3 things that can help to have a thankful heart:

1. Write it Down

I'm an old school paper & pen gal.  I make daily lists and still use an agenda every day! I find that writing things (or typing into your phone if you must) really helps solidify things to mind & heart.
You can simply make a list, keep a journal or even a wall board in your home.  I'm a morning bird (5am) and find that it's a great way to start my day but gratitude is a great way to end your day too. 

2. Stop Scrolling

Whether it's on your computer or phone, seeing ALL the influence of ALL the things can create a sense of inadequacy or want. The reality is we have so much to be appreciated. Enjoying what you already have can diminish seeking happiness in more things.

I like leaving my phone in a designated space in our home.  I can always go and check it but its not by my side.  I try not to use it the first hour I'm awake and the hour before bed. 
Mammas, airplane mode is great so you can use it to capture sweet moments with your kiddos but you're not distracted with alerts. Great for date nights and time with friends too.

3. Love Others

Focusing on others is not only humbling but also rewarding.  God commands us to love Him & love others.
Sharing your blessings with those in need is a great way to be generous. So is sharing encouragement, an act of service (use the wonderful talents you have) and my favorite, quality time.  Even if it can't be in person I love a good chit chat over the phone or FaceTime. 
Selflessness is the best form of soul care!

Let Our Lives Be Full of Both Thanks & Giving

Dress Beautifully with a Thankful Heart

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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