
Aug 1, 2022

What's in My Car

I recently had quite the funny chit chat with some of my gal pals about what we keep in our cars. Personally, I'm not in my car very much (well with the exception of this Summer - so much travel!!). On a normal day to day basis I go to a set few places within a 5-10 min drive time. 

There are a set of key items that I've kept in my car for decades.  Some you might find odd, some handy, some are common sense and some may have you puzzled. 
I must say, what I never ever ever keep in my car is trash! Wrappers, papers etc all come out immediately! 

Here's what you'll find in my car to keep me prepared & primped on the go ...

ALWAYS my sidekick

1. Tweezers - I've had a pair in my car since college. For some reason the light is so so good in the car allowing you refine your grooming. This is the item that sparked our banter.

2. Lipsticks - I refuse to be without color, even when I'm just running to the grocery store and even gym. 

3. Safety Pins - in full disclosure I keep them in my travel toiletry bag and in my desk drawers. I can't tell you how many times in my corporate office days that they came in handy to save the day. Especially when traveling to mend a wardrobe malfunction.

4. Floss - there's nothing more annoying or gross than salad, seeds etc. stuck in your teeth!

5. Pens & Paper - I make lists on lists on lists. Thoughts and ideas come to me all day long and it never fails I'll receive a work call while out. So I need to have small pieces of paper and pens to jot all the things down.

6. Exercise mat - I go to the gym 5 days a week so it never leaves my car. Probably gross but I also have never owned hand sanitizer (which is probably found in most cars). 

7. Sunglasses - I always have a few pairs in their case nested in the middle console.

8. Snacks - I'm a Mamma but also I have a snack myself a couple times a day. So a couple bars/pack of crackers are tucked away because nothing is wore than being hangry out and about!

9. Change - Vivian and I love to make wishes into fountains every week.

10. Coupons - Ironically I only ever use them 1-2 times a year but I insist on shoving them in the glove box for that off chance.

Vivian doesn't have screen time at home 
BUT it is 100% the only way to survive car travel!

Dress Beautifully in Your Car

XOXO Sarah Louise

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