Tomorrow is my 40th birthday!
I am going to rejoice in it with gratitude! In the months leading up to this occasion I have felt worldly pressure to make this milestone a significance that it isn't. I suppose a new decade is a turning point but in reality it truly is another year and each and every day we have breath is one to honor.
I'm going to jump in focused on ...
I want to look at life's circumstance with a perspective of hope and confidence. Despite what comes my way I want to be grounded knowing it was His plan and I will be protected, provided for and never alone. I also don't want the challenging times to get more attention that the every day or joyous times. I want to fully appreciate it all!
I want to love people well! I want to cherish them, celebrate them, encourage them, and support them with a generous heart. I want to use my gifts and talents to bless others. People are given to me to teach me, guide me and strengthen me and I want to honor them.
I was born with a unique and profound purpose just as every single person is! I want to be all in on what He has designed me to do (even when it's hard). I want to glorify Him in the way I live, what I do and say and how I give to this world. I want to embrace the person he made me to be confidently and shine my light where ever I am.
These are wonderful goals but they're not always easy.
I encourage you to find areas that you want to focus on, pray over them
and with His help we can grow in them!
Dress Beautifully Established in Who You are Made to Be
XOXO Sarah Louise
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