
Jun 19, 2023

Letting Go (A Little)

I'm a hold-on-tight, follow-the-rules (enneagram 1) kind of gal. I thrive on structure and routine and rarely ever skirt the rules or take a risk. But I've found that that can sometimes hold me back from new things, and growing.

This Summer more than ever I want to free myself to have the most fun possible! 

Here are 3 things I'm going to let go of (a little b/c I'm me!) to make room for more joy ...


I want to minimize the content I let in. I want to let go of influences that can allow comparison and discontentment to sneak in.  I've given up most streaming (especially at night) reading more and focusing on projects. I want to consume things that are edifying, uplifting and make me smile :)


I have struggled most of my life with body image issues, specifically with my legs. I want to let go of not wearing what I want, feeling embarrassed and instead step out in confidence with gratitude for my body and abilities. I work so incredible hard to make my body strong and fast and it's worth being proud of.
I'm going to wear shorts and short skirts and while it won't be easy, I'm going to do my best to step out with my head high! 

Note: true friends do not value 'perfection' in where you live, what you have or wear - it truly is your heart and how you make others feel that matters!


I make a lot of plans and schedule my days intentionally. I want to let go of completely sticking to the list and be open to shifting to make room for interruptions, spending time with others and making sweet sweet memories with my family. Presence over perfection & productivity is my goal! 

These are small changes but I'm hopeful they'll bring big blessings! 

I encourage you to find areas where you can let go 
of what may be holding you back and give them to God. 

Dress Beautifully Letting Go

XOXO Sarah Louise

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