
Oct 16, 2023

Morning Routine

Good Morning! You can't see me, hear me or experience my energy but just know I'm wide awake. Since high school I've been waking up around 5am.  I don't use an alarm but rather pop out of bed enthusiastically for the day... 100% morning bird! 

I'm often asked what I do in these dark quiet hours so today I'm sharing with you what I do each morning from 5-7am.

5:00 -5:20

I start by coming downstairs and reading God's Word. I don't just flip it open at random but use a study with questions.  Currently I'm in a ladies bible study on Ruth. I have this one in my cart. 

I truly believe starting the day with God prepares our hearts with gratitude, patience and endurance for the day. I encourage you to go beyond a quote of the day or devotional and use a study with questions to create more intention and growth. 


I then move on to chores. Unloading the dishwasher occurs nearly every day but other chores may include folding a load of laundry, cleaning the floors, watering plants, polishing furniture - whatever can be done to tidy our home in the quiet. 


At this point I'm very hungry! I've been eating the exact same breakfast for over 15 years. 

FIRST, I make coffee! I grind 1/4 cup of beans to 2 cups of water. We use Black Rifle Coffee and highly recommend auto shipment. 

I then cook 2 eggs over medium with a sprinkle of cracked black pepper and toast 1 piece of Ezekiel bread with a light dusting of butter.

6:00 - 6:15

I wait until I've been up for an hour before opening my phone or computer to check email and social media. 

I recently added this 20-30 minute face mask to my morning routine. It's amazing!

Now I sip the piping hot black coffee!!!


I spend this time writing blog posts or working my job.  I'm my most creative and sharp in the morning which makes for writing that's genuine.  I've always found it efficient to complete work tasks prior to actual business hours so that there is room in the day for responses and tasks. 

I consult my planner and create/modify the day & week's to-do list so that I can be organized. 
My list making is a bit over the top but it makes me happy and accomplished! 

6:50 - 7:00

I quietly go up stairs to wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed for the gym.

Vivian will be waking up in the next several minutes and I'm now ready to focus on getting her prepared for school. We leave around 7:30 and then I'm off to exercise.

Note: I'm insistent on making the bed immediately upon waking up however Ryan comes home from the hospital most days between midnight and 6am so I must wait until he's up.
I highly recommend this tidy task to set your day up for success!

Dress Beautifully in a Morning Routine

XOXO Sarah Louise

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