Your smile is the prettiest thing you wear and there’s so many reasons to wear it!
Here I am at 40 working to turn my smile to its brightest with Invisalign!
Back as a teenager my Mama worked hard to give me a straight smile with braces. I however didn’t wear my bottom retainers like I should have (I had a permanent on top) so I found myself with shifting teeth, a misaligned bite and even gum recession.
Fun Fact: I’m was born missing both upper lateral teeth!
I was intrigued by the close-to-invisible option of Invisalign for years but never pulled the trigger.
For nearly 9 months I’ve been under orthodontic care (~ half way) and I want to share all about my experience in hopes it’s found helpful to others!
What you get into with Invisalign (IMO) …
The MOST important piece is to entrust your care to a board certified orthodontist!
Note: not all orthodontists are board certified.
Ask your dentist for a referral and have an honest consult to begin. Personally, I prefer a conservative approach with all my medical care. My orthodontist is thorough, so much he referred me to a periodontist for consult on gum health/recession before we begin any movement and is shifting at a snails pace due to my age and to ensure good health.
Note: moving teeth is not simple, blood flow/vascularization - bite contact etc will affect the health of your gums and teeth greatly and require a professional to oversee.
This is a significant financial investment. Most practices accept FSA/HSA accounts which was to my advantage as we had 6 years worth of contributions available making it an great option for me. They also offer financing and payment options.
The clear tray design functions with brackets or ‘buttons’ adhered to your teeth that allow for anchoring/leverage for movement during the process. The placement and quantity is specific to each patient.
These are a source of insecurity to me as I have so many (17) and up front/central placement.
I also feel like my speech is mildly affected.
The protocol calls for 22 hours of wear each day! To break that down it is 4 - 30 min breaks which is not a lot!
You can drink water with them and that’s it. You must remove the trays for eating which I have found to be inconvenient, particularly when out. Along with removal you must maintain sanitary environments (hand washing, storage & brushing/flossing after each and every consumption). This becomes exhausting!
I carry floss, ziplock bags and a spare toothbrush with me at all times.
I have become more intentional with my eating - it requires so much effort. I brush and floss so much which makes my hygienist very happy.
I no longer drink an afternoon cup of coffee. I’d done so for years but quit cold turkey to decrease staining and time without the trays in.
Note: I also drink my piping hot coffee with a straw in the mornings to minimize stains!
Each and every time I eat - I brush/floss after!
I also soak the trays each morning to sanitize. Ryan teases me and calls them my dentures LOL
Unlike my teenage years in traditional braces, results are a bit slower.
I change the trays every 10 days and have follow up appointments every 3 months.
The technology is amazing and I’m grateful for it but I also won’t miss them!
Fun Fact: I’ll never forget the first time we had communion at church after getting Invisalign - I was mortified to have to pop the trays out (spit on my fingers) during the prayer hoping no one heard or saw me.
Invisalign is definitely something I’ll be happy I did!
Despite being more self conscious about it than I should be and the inconvenience - it’s an amazing, and a fairly discrete way to restore my bright and healthy smile!
I look forward to sharing the final results hopefully next Spring before my 41st birthday!
PS sorry for soooo many car selfies :)
Dress Your Smile Beautifully in Invisalign
XOXO Sarah Louise
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