
Feb 26, 2024

The Great Fast

Gals, I love to shop! I love fashion, putting together outfits and have quite the collection of clothing in my closet. I also enjoy sharing my style to inspire you!
While I stay within my personal budget and wear all that I have (naturally some more than others), it's easy to indulge.  

What if I told you I didn't shop for myself for over 2 months??!!
AND I've done it several times over the years and 1 time it was for 90 days!

You'd probably look at my closet & say gracious you don't need anything else! #FACTS
BUT, can I get a high 5?!

It is easy to fall into a place where your focus on something is greater than it should be, where your desire for more/new outweighs your love for what you have. It doesn't have to be a 'bad' thing or a 'problem' to need a reset. Think tv, food, social media, a hobby ... you get the idea.

For over 2 months I didn't purchase anything for myself.
I appreciated styling the pieces I have in new ways.
I grew in contentment and my desire for new diminished.
I gained time & money!

I did go through my pieces and have some set aside to gift my friend, lots to sell (sharing soon!) and some to donate. 

There were some challenging times especially when I'd see something beautiful on sale!! In all honesty, I wish I had gone longer but it has made me much more intentional with my purchases.

I encourage you to find where you can FAST from something
and I can confidently say you'll see a shift in priority and focus
that will leave you more content!

Dress Beautifully Fasting

XOXO Sarah Louise
and my sidekick Trixie

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