Last Monday I shared with you some encouragement on adding more fun into your days. To partner with that, today I want share with you some ways to delegate in order to make room for the fun you want to add.
Whether you're working inside or outside of the home, 1 little or 4, big budget or little, you do a lot! #amen And while yes, we are super women the fact remains we do NEED a village.
Sidenote: I actually know of a gal that is adamant about refusing to ever ask for help/share responsibilities outside of her husband. Shame on her. I say that because there are so many around her that love her family and want to participate. And what joy comes from running yourself so very thin doing it all??
There are so many responsibilities that must be maintained in order to keep your home running and I believe it's so very important to lean on others to help. I also know how particular (sounds better than control freak) I am about the way those tasks are accomplished and that it can be challenging to release those into the hands of others.
1. I encourage you to write out your week, day by day and even hour by hour. Look at how you spend your time doing the things you do.
2. Find tasks that you're comfortable passing off so that you can replace that time with having fun!
3. ALWAYS be grateful for the blessing of your village.
Note: delegating doesn't always mean passing it to your husband, maybe it's adjusting your budget for an outside person to clean your home, or cut your grass maybe it's joining in on a carpool or ordering your groceries online.
My Team:
I decided to delegate my most dreaded and impactful task, cooking! I HATE cooking and yes I know that's a strong word and I mean it in it's entirety. My husband is home very little due to his demanding job (practices medicine in the ER) but at least one day a week he grills meat and veggies for us to have for a few days. It's been life changing.
He's NEVER allowed to touch the laundry!
I also have a babysitter two evenings a week so that I can attend bible study, Junior League events, run errands or have a date night.
I use the child care at the gym, MOPS and thank her preschool teachers emphatically for loving her a few days a week. #praise
Cleaning Services:
My MVP! Right after Vivian was born we were connected to the most amazing gal to clean our home. She's a hard working and God loving soul that not only gives us a home that sparkles but makes us laugh.
Gal Pals:
Last but not least my dear friends lift me up and help steer me right through this journey.
Whatever you decide to delegate, be sure it makes room for fun!
Dress Beautifully While You Delegate
XOXO Sarah-Louise
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