
Nov 30, 2020

The Best Gifts

 Happy Monday Gals! I want to Kindly interrupt the overwhelming content of sales, gift guides, giveaways, and home decor because while those can be helpful, they can create feelings of discontentment, inadequacy, want and a big dent in your budget! 

I hope that we are all focusing on the REAL meaning of Christmas, the undeserved gift of our savior Jesus Christ, but still giving gifts is a big part of this season.  To say it is all about the kids is mostly true. We as adults still love to give and receive.  Gift giving is a way to show appreciation and love for someone.  It brings just as much joy to the recipient as it does the giver.

What can diminish that joy is if it was a detriment to your budget, or with intent of extravagance/competition or even just to check a box. 

Here are gifts you can give that will bless someone far greater than anything you can find on a store shelf! #guaranteed

Celebrated my sister's birthday with cupcakes in the car

1. Time - I know, I know, the calendar is already FULL despite the lack of gatherings. Let go of things that are stealing your time: Netflix, Hallmark Christmas movies (record them for later), house projects, online shopping, scrolling on your phone etc.. and replace them with a scheduled date to FaceTime, phone chat or a safe meet up for hot chocolate, errands, or walk in the park with a loved one. The fellowship with a friend is more valuable than the most precious of presents! 

Tip: Scheduling isn't just to satisfy the Type A gals, it solidifies the event.  Because we're all guilty of casual intentions 'let's get together' or 'we should grab coffee sometime'.

2. Handwritten Note - Ok this will cost you $0.55 for a stamp. Gracious! They've really gone up in price. Personally, I absolutely love mail to an extreme. I've shared before how I mail notes each week and have a ball checking our box each day with Vivian.  I even believe that your mailbox is one of the most important elements of your home ... another post. A handwritten note is far more sentimental than a text or email.  It's a meaningful way to share encouragement that can be held and cherished through time. 

Tip: Include a printed photo - I've found that Walgreens can do it for me through their app on my phone in less than an hour! 

3. Share Scripture - Now this can be done over text or email because timing is sensitive.  We need His word every hour and encouragement can't wait for 2 day service. Even a shared verse on an IG post will be a blessing.  If you're crafty paint scripture on a rock, canvas, tile, wood ... I'll leave it up to you creative gals. I dare say there is nothing that has brought me more peace and joy than Him! 

4. Baked Goods - Lord know's I'm a disaster in the kitchen but even I can follow instructions on a box mix and for someone I love, sigh, I may even go the extra mile and use a recipe.  Now, desserts are plentiful this time a year and they're not good for our bodies.  Consider making smoothies or I love these blender banana spinach muffins. Drop it off on their porch or better yet, enjoy a bite together.

5. Service - Offer to babysit, dog sit, help fold laundry, organize a closet, rake leaves ... Lend a helping hand. We all need it. It takes a village and many hands make light work. 

In a culture of buying, more and just so much #Extra, sometimes the simple things mean the most! 

Dress Beautifully Gifting Others

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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