
Jan 10, 2022

Confessions of My 4th Year of Motherhood

This is one of my favorite posts that I get to write and it’s hard to believe it’s my 4th!!!!

Read my prior posts here:

Confessions of my 1st Year

Confessions of my 2nd Year

Confessions of my 3rd Year

I love reflecting over my time as a mother remembering the time together growing, learning and laughing.  There’s a lot of opinions out there on how a Mamma should be and how they should raise their children. 

I’ve chosen to seek God in my areas of question, trusted friends and my gut.  Me as a Mamma and Vivian as my daughter are unique from everyone else.  The way I do things are just for us and while I am always wanting to improve I have to avoid trying to make our time look or be like anyone else’s.

There are a lot of things that have stayed the same throughout my motherhood journey like keeping to a strict schedule (she still naps every single day!), I’m in an outfit every day (leggings are NOT pants so yes I am at home in jeans), I don’t bathe her nearly enough, neither of us enjoy meal time, and I love to dress us alike, especially on Sundays for church.

Yes, motherhood changes things but I have found that it’s more of an addition to the person I was before. Being a Mamma is a privilege and I strive to be the one God made me to be.

Here are my confessions from my 4th year of Motherhood:

1. I'm a Morning Mamma

I wake up at 5am every day.  This gives me 2 hours of quiet, uninterrupted time to read my Bible, blog, eat breakfast and do chores.  Having this time to myself prepares me to be dedicated to her when she hollers ‘Mommy’ when she’s ready for me to come and get her.

2. I Work Behind the Scenes

Vivian is in preschool 5 days a week from 9-1pm.  She also naps for 2 hours when she gets home.  These times along with my morning time gives me ample opportunity to do the tasks I need to do so they don’t take away from time together.  I find it’s not only challenging to try to be productive alongside her but it prevents me from being present with her. I do think it’s important for her to see the chores involved in maintaining our home and to let her be a little helper. I just make it a point to ‘work’ without her.

3. I Choose Together Over Tech

Technology is amazing and I’m grateful for it every day. However, I find that it can be addicting preventing us from being present.  We decided after our last trip in August to eliminate screen time from Vivian.  She was very limited but when she had it she was mesmerized. We noticed she was more joyful and creative without it. I can still accomplish things, she’s just learned to play nearby. I find that I’m better when I limit it for me too! We introduced it back just recently with a timer and we hand select the programs. But most days she goes without. 

We both benefit from putting the screens down and having our eyes up.

4. I Take the Trips

I celebrated turning 38 last April with a girls trip to Florida (first big vacation following the pandemic).  As I was walking the beach one early morning I realized how wonderful and important it is to go places and do things. This can be very challenging for me as I thrive on a structured schedule. I made it a goal to take as many trips and to go do fun things as much as possible.  And gals, I did! I took 10 trips! Most were with my gal pals, two as a family and 1 each with just Ryan and just Vivian. I worried for nothing. Vivian travels wonderfully and still follows her routine (including her naps most importantly)! 

Home is easy and comfortable but the adventures and memories made are priceless! We’ve already scheduled several trips for 2022 (I even took one this past weekend!). Taking Vivian to the beach just us two at the end of last Summer was my favorite!!! It has me wanting to make it a tradition for us. Maybe it’s the beach or maybe it’s somewhere new each year, I’m not sure. But I do know I loved our little Mommy and Me getaway and look forward to that time away just her and I every year.

5. I Abort the Plan

I will abandon my to-do list or plan to pick her up and go to the playground, water fountain, library or play the game. It has been fun being a Mamma that says “you know what, yes we can”.  I’ve learned that dropping what I had planned, while it does make me readjust, is far more fun. I have to postpone tasks and make a quick dinner but it’s worth it!

6. I'm a Dance Mom

My Mamma had dance parties with us, often while we played dress up, all the time. Now I get to have them with my darling. We have them throughout our home but my favorite is in my closet seeing her adored in all my things. 

She also started taking tap & ballet lessons so I am a legit #dancemom

7. I do it all for Love

Sigh my Mamma’s bunny had babies and Vivian fell in love with one over the Summer. My Mamma was insistent on gifting her to Vivian.  This is a prime example that I will do (almost) anything to bring my Mamma and my darling happiness. Vivian now has a pet bunny, Ethel. I absolutely did NOT want a pet, EVER.  I am not an animal person and despise the mess they create. But here we are.

The things we do for those we love.

8. I'm Clean over Creative

Gracious does our darling love crafts. Her Mamma however does not. Nor do I like mess of any kind. I have upped our supplies to include a bigger box of crayons, scissors (per her teacher’s recommendation) and paint (gifted). I’m basically everything that Pinterest isn’t. So I praise preschool for all they do in filling the creative role for me.

9. I Choose Al Fresco Always

I try to be outside as much as possible. Maybe it’s all the years I spent in an office or me turning more and more into my own Mamma but I just find so much peace and happiness outside.  We take the toys, games, activities and lots of pretend play outside. 

10. I Have Fun

I get in there and play. It’s much more fun that just observing. Sure I try and sneak in photos to capture the moment but being in the moment, that’s something a camera can’t capture. I love being silly and participating with Vivian. 

That also means I suit up in the Summer. It’s hard, very hard. BUT children don’t care about body imperfections and I refuse to let them stop me from splashing! 

This is just a glimpse into the past year. It's impossible to encompass it all. 

Being Vivian Louise's mother is a gift! I want to honor it with love each and every year.

Dress Beautifully in Motherhood

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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