
Dec 31, 2019

Favorites from 2019

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

I didn't plan on taking a week off from writing, but the holidays and time spent with my family kicked this little blog into a time out.  I truly hope you had a blessed time celebrating Christmas!

We celebrated with gratitude for the birth of Jesus!

We also celebrated Vivian's 2nd birthday!!!!!

Not only is it the end of the year but it's the end of this decade! It's so easy for me to recall the most wonderful moments of the past 10 years, our wedding day 6/27/2010, the day Ryan made it home from military deployment 3/30/2016, finding out we were having our rainbow baby 5/19/2017, the day Vivian Louise was born 12/28/2017 ... the rest is just fun memories I cherish but these days, these days changed our lives!

I hope you look back with a smile and thankfulness.

Here are 10 of my favorite outfits from this year ...

I leave 2019 with this, dress in what makes you feel beautiful!

Dress Beautifully in What Makes You Feel Your Best 

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Dec 20, 2019

Friday Favorites: Make Up Magic

TGIF! I find that gals are either putting their feet up or running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  Which ever one you are I have a little beauty magic to sprinkle your way.

Now, I don't claim to be a makeup guru, I'm fashion all the way but I do find it a priority to color my face and coif my mane.

This time of year is excellent for stocking up on beauty products or even trying new ones because retailers are offering lots of sets at discounted prices. They also make great gifts for the gals in your life.
Tip:  Split up beauty sets (lips, perfume, nail polish) for stocking stuffers/gift bundles 

Note: Some of these are recommendations from the fab makeup artist/fellow Charlotte blogger Lindsey Regan Thorne. She shares awesome tips and products - follow her on Instagram

Wearing everything below in this fancy car selfie :)

Here are some products I've started using this month and love!

This is the perfect time of year to get a new brush set!  Kits are everywhere at great prices.
You can buy all the best products but if they aren't applied right you're missing on the benefit.
Brushes have specific functions and really do apply your products better! 
This brand is all the rage and we actually just got a store here in Charlotte. I find them very affordable.  

This is MAGIC!  Mammas, you NEED this in your tired life! Trick is to not be sparing when you use it.  Actually get a little chunk and smear it under your eyes. It hydrates, smoothes and brightens. Then apply your concealer.

I use this one above and have always applied with my ring finger but am now using this brush from the kit above and it works much better.  It's less goopy. I've also heard great things about this concealer.
Tip:  I use a shade or two lighter than my skin tone (which is VERY fair) to add extra brightness

I have green eyes (got them right from my Mamma) and love that they're not so common like my red hair.  Purple/pink shades are my favorite to highlight them and this eyeliner really does just that! This color alkaline is more of a red purple as opposed to the blue purples I've been using and it really makes them pop!
This pencil is smooth and doesn't smear.

This stuff is a game changer and essential for this dry time of year.  It has very little tint (I normally like a lot of color) and truly hydrates and softens.  Perfect for during the day.  This is a must!  I gave one to my sister who rarely wears makeup and she loves it! Go get you one or three :)

I hope you gals have a wonderful weekend with a heart full of the Christmas spirit and love of Jesus!

Dress Beautifully with a Little Magic on Your Face

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Dec 18, 2019

Don't Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle

1 week til Christmas!!!

While time is limited to do ALL the things before the big day one thing you shouldn't be stressing is your outfit.

Every year stores pack their racks with shiny sparkly pieces for the holiday season. I'll bet money that you've purchased one or three over the years, wore it to an event and it's hanging up collecting dust or you've donated it.

I get a gleam in my eye at sequins, beads and metallic numbers too but I also know that they will only be worn once a year and I certainly don't need to give a percentage of my wardrobe to them.

Here are 5 ways to style a holiday statement outfit using pieces that you can get lots of wear out of and quite possibly right out of your closet!


Red, green and black aren't the only shades for the season.  Bright colored pieces are bold and give you all year wear.

Available in 5 colors

Available in 5 colors


My FAVORITE!!! I would wear head to toe white every single day if I could. Did I mention it's my favorite?! It's so clean, crisp and everyone's dreaming of a white Christmas.


Lace is so feminine with it's delicate texture.  In colors and lighter designs it can go from dressy to casual by pairing it with a pair of jeans.

Available in 5 colors

Available in 3 colors


I adore fur!  I know it's a controversial topic so I'll tread lightly.  Most of my fur is vintage and I have quite the collection of collars.  These days it's easy to find faux fur options to accessorize your winter ensembles. Think of them as a necklace that you can add to dresses, blouses, sweaters or even a jumpsuit for a luxurious look.


A statement piece of jewelry easily pairs with just about anything in your closet. And great for occasions such as weddings and nights out.  They instantly shine up even the most basic of garments.
Tip: Be careful of knits as they can snag

Available in 3 colors - Matching Necklace

Dress Beautifully for the Holidays & Remember Not to 
Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Dec 16, 2019

Mamma Monday: Honor & Love of Motherhood

Happy Monday Mammas!  I'm sorry this post is so late today - so many distractions & fun today.  This afternoon Vivian had her picture taken to capture her for her 2nd birthday which is in 12 DAYS!!!
I am so crazy excited! What I'm not is sad.  I'm not sad at how fast the time flies or how much she's grown and I don't look back missing her baby days.  I cherish each day with her. Make the most of the moments Mammas!

Yesterday at church our Pastor spoke to us about what it must have been like for Mary as the mother of Jesus.  It touched my heart greatly.  Now that I am a mother I grasp the sacrifice and unconditional love for your children.

Mary trusted.  Mary was a servant. Mary accepted the honor that God gave her, despite the shame that was to come upon her for being an unmarried woman with child.

She abandoned her life to God in trust. She was not an exception but what all our lives should pattern.

Read Luke 1:46-55

It wasn't about what she did but what was done through her!

I understood the honor it is to carry a child for the first time at the ultrasound for our first baby over 3 years ago. What a privilege it is to see life.

Motherhood can be filled with lots of worry and pressures.  What if instead of worrying about all the what ifs and trying to live up to silly pressures of what social media says we should be as Mammas,  we trusted in God? What if we were servants to Him?

Mary's acceptance of God's plan for her was selfless.

We as Mothers are not worthy. But God has blessed us anyway because he Loves!

This Christmas season my prayer is that we have the trust and selflessness of Mary.
That makes us the mothers God wants us to be.  The toys, outfits, and events that we put so much effort into is not what's most important (I'm not saying don't do them) but the quality time spent together that honors Him is!

Dress Beautifully as a Mamma Full of Honor & Trust in God

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Dec 13, 2019


Happy Friday! This is a particularly jolly Friday as I am out of town spreading lots of Christmas cheers with 2 of my gal pals from college.  It's a tradition we started a couple years ago to get together and have a nice dinner out and just spend some time at the end of the year laughing together.
I'm so proud that despite how busy this time of year is for us we stop and take the time for our friendship. My favorite thing about us is that we encourage each other.

Surrounded by My (very tall) Cheerleaders


I know we are nearly half way through the advent season and I wish I had shared this earlier but the importance remains regardless.

Advent season is the time leading up to Christmas where the arrival of Jesus is celebrated and honored.  It consists of 4 Sundays each of which our church shares a reading and lights one of the candles on the wreath.

I believe it is most important for us to stop and remember the real reason for the Christmas season.  Praise to God for sending his Son to save!

There are lots of resources to help you and your family celebrate this time. Calendars, books, activities and traditions can help us grow and remember this blessed time.


One of my favorite bloggers shared this amazing post including lots of calendars, gifts, and activities!
I've taken advantage of several of these items.

I think it will be so fun to teach Vivian through a fun calendar about the arrival of Jesus.


Since having Vivian, I read a lot of children's books. And you know what? I find them not only refreshing but the simplicity of them really shines a light on the truth.
I love this storybook bible for sharing the gospel in an easy way.  It's not my means of study but gracious I find real encouragement in the clarity of the content.

Here are more resources for you to add for this advent season.

Opening presents is so much fun but opening your hears to Jesus is the greatest gift you'll ever receive!

Dress Beautifully this Advent Season

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Dec 11, 2019

Iced Velvet

'Look but do not touch' My Mamma used to say that to us kids all the time whenever we were out shopping or at someone's home. I can't tell you just how many times I've told Vivian not to touch something in our home this week alone! It's hard not to reach out and feel shiny and soft things.

Prime example, I immediately had to feel this velvet blazer when I saw it hanging there in all it's soft glory. Velvet is such a luxurious fabric!  I always think about those green velvet drapes Scarlett had turned into a gown in the movie 'Gone with the Wind' (it's my favorite of all time!). It's thick, warm, plush and has a subtle luster to it that's so rich.  I'd love to have a velvet couch one day.  But until then I'll stick to garments in my closet.

A velvet blazer is sharp and serves as a functional layer in keeping you warm this season.
I adore the long sleek cut of this blazer and especially in lighter colors.  Pastels in the winter create an 'iced' look that lightens in a typically darker time of year.

For the office it pairs beautifully over dresses, skirts and trousers but I love transitioning it in a more casual look with jeans.  You could even swap the blouse for a basic t-shirt and add flats.  The structure creates a pretty shape and will having you looking put together.

Dress Beautifully in a Velvet Blazer

XOXO Sarah-Louise