Oct 27, 2023

Friday Favorites: Colorful Sweaters

 TGIF! Gracious it's been a full week of Fall fun and it's going to keep on through the weekend. We attended a fall festival at Vivian's school, her first field trip (she loved that I rode the bus with her class), book fair, so many parties and Trunk or Treat tonight!! 

Confession: Fall is my list favorite season ('Gasp' is the reaction I receive when I share this so I usually keep to myself) it's true though. I'm not a fan, however, I will say the activities with friends is bringing a whole lot of joy!

I changed over my closet storing away my warm weather clothing and pulling out my cold weather.
Unfolding and organizing all my colorful cozy sweaters not only has me prepared for the upcoming chill it also has me eager to style them.

Here are some colorful and cozy sweaters for winter ...

Note 1: J Crew is my go-to for quality sweaters
Note 2: Almost all of these sweaters come in several color options!

5 additional colors

4 colors

18 colors

4 additional colors

6 colors

also in light blue

also in ivory & gray

4 colors

Dress Beautifully in a Colorful Cozy Sweater

XOXO Sarah Louise

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