Sep 29, 2021

Back in Black Pants

Back (we won't discuss how far back) in my college and post college days sleek black pants and a pretty blouse was 'the' go-to look. We wore this outfit to almost everything: work, dinners, nights out etc ...
And then there was a shift swapping out the black pant for dark jeans. 

Now, I typically gravitate to color and softer neutrals like navy and brown but I do appreciate the sharpness of a high contrast palette like black and white. The feminine design elements in the floral print, puff sleeves and tie neck of this blouse softens the outfit. There are very small amounts of color, rust & deep purple) sprinkled throughout that lend to fun pairing options when layering sweaters & jewelry. 

This blouse is light weight and full of modern detail that really do make whatever you pair it with make a snazzy statement. 

I encourage you to give your jeans a break and take a pair of black pants for a spin.

Dress Beautifully in Classic Black & White 

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Sep 27, 2021

Secrets Are No Fun

I have a secret to share.  I’ve kept it from others and most importantly from myself for quite sometime.

I've ‘known’ what it was but locked it away rather than letting it shine … but not any more!

You see, I recently started a new ladies bible study in person!!! We meet on Tuesday mornings at a church just up the street from home & Vivian’s school. I was jazzed to meet new gals and learn alongside them.

As with all new meetings, we went around the table of our small group introducing ourselves.

Here’s where this revelation happened …

Each and every gal spoke with such confidence and happiness.  Several of them were so proud when they shared that they were mothers that chose to leave the workforce, raise their children and manage their homes.


Me too!!!

Why have I never just said that?? 

I didn’t look at them as less than but with a smile saying in my mind ‘yes gal isn’t it wonderful?!!’

Sigh, since becoming a mother nearly 4 years ago rather than eagerness to share my ‘elevator speech’ I’ve avoided it.  I’ve been introducing myself first by listing my prior career title & involvements. ALWAYS letting everyone know about my ‘before’ life affirming that I had a successful career like motherhood wasn’t prestigious enough on its own. 

Sure I could blame our society and the pressures to measure and compare ourselves but the reality is, it’s me. I expected to be a 'career mom'. The fact is, I have been embracing the amazing purpose and plan God has for me. I truly love fulfilling it.  But I’ve hindered myself, afraid to share it with others for fear I’d be looked down upon.

I’m going to profess this no longer secret love right here and now:

 I’m a Mother that is out of office and proud of it!

I LOVE my choice. I’m proud of my choice! 

And I will not hide it from myself or others anymore.

It is a blessing that I’m eternally grateful for!

When asked, I'll share about my career, and when prompted I’ll even share that I miss it.  But not as a definition of myself.

My education and resume haven’t disappeared.  I earned every line! Now, I’m adding new experiences that also make great impacts.

I’m not less than, I’m right where God needs me. 

Where ever you are in life, what ever your season looks like, be proud of it!

God uses all of us for His glory whether you’re working, in school, single, married, mother, grandmother etc ….

The funny thing is, these 4 years I’ve been the happiest of my life! 

God used me in the office for many years and for now in my home where I love my family, love my friends and love others that cross my path.

Here’s my new elevator speech:

“Hi my name is Sarah-Louise! I live in the Southpark neighborhood of Charlotte (born & raised), I’m married to Ryan for 11 years and mother to a darling girl Vivian who’s 3 1/2. I’m the creator of a fashion blog, Sunday school teacher for middle & high school age young ladies and I love to exercise and be outside.”

Your turn:

  1. Who lives in your home?
  2. Where is God using you?
  3. What are your hobbies?

A special thank you to the ladies in my bible study for your encouragement!

Dress Beautifully in Your Purpose 

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Sep 24, 2021

Friday Favorites: Fall Everything

This picture was from the archives circa 2015

TGIF & Fall! According to the calendar we are in a new season, although the South holds on to Summer temps for quite a lot longer. I feel like Fall's the most popular season. Gals just love their spiced lattes, pumpkin flavored everything from Trader Joes, cozy camel sweaters, boots and felt hats. Sigh I'm not on the train.  I'm a Spring gal through and through! This gal just loves new flower blooms, outdoor tea parties, egg shaped candy, pastels, frilly dress and sandals. 

I do however embrace the new found morning & evening chill, cozy layers and richer colors. I can't wait to be in the mountains in 2 weeks to see the leaves changing their colors and hike in the crisp fresh air. 

Here are some pretty pieces that feature Fall beautifully ....

Pink Rancher Hat

Woven Hobo Bag

Western Denim Shirt

Love layering these

Love all the colors & nice to add a printed sweater amongst all the solid

Poncho Cape

Patchwork Maxi Dress

4 color options

Just brought these home & so comfy!

All about the lace up lug sole trend for booties

Have and love these!

I've had this on my wish list for a couple months now

I wear 03 brown bijou 

under $15 so cute & light
Picked these up this week :)

Make sure where ever you are, 
what ever you're doing and 
who ever you're with
You laugh!

Dress Beautifully for Fall

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Sep 22, 2021

Jewel Tones


I can feel Fall coming! Leaves are starting to change color and sprinkle the sidewalks. The temperatures are still warm but gracious I'll take any cool down. 

Fall brings a warmer, more saturated color palette; and a whole lot of neutrals like camel, rust, and browns. I love neutrals for their soft classic appeal but colors bring joy and brightness. 
When it comes to the cooler months I like jewel tones like those found in peacocks.

Sidenote: We used peacock feathers in the decor of our wedding.

Jewel tones are just what you'd think, deep shades of blue like sapphires, green like emeralds, purple like amethyst, gold like citrine and red like rubies. They're bold, rich and pair beautifully with each other and neutrals.

It's the colors that drew me to this skirt. I really debated how I was going to style it for this post, a challenge I often face because I like to have pieces that are versatile and picking just one pairing to showcase is tough.  
Since the weather is still warm and there are so many weddings and events this time year I went with a dressy option in this silk vibrant teal blouse. My other options were a crisp white shirt (my go-to fav)  fitting black long sleep knit top, a lavender puff short sleeve top or a neutral sweater (cream or tan). 

Whether you go with one of the above options or something different like a simple t-shirt, denim jacket or even a bit chic with a suede Moto jacket, the important thing is to style with what YOU like!

The same goes for shoes: booties, heels, sandals or sneakers.

This skirt is going to go many places in many different ways this season!

This skirt is so light weight! Making it comfortable and easy to wear.

And it has Pockets :)

Try pulling one of the colors from the skirt for a top: 
golden yellow
light blue
teal or green 
lavender, purple or pink

Dress Beautifully in Jewel Tones

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Sep 20, 2021

Vivian's Big Girl Room


My darling Vivian is closer to turning 4 than I'd like to admit (12/28).  During this year I'd often be asked about her interests and milestones now that she's 3.  One of the most common was, 'when are you planning to transition her out of the crib and into a big girl bed?'.  My response was always something like 'uh when's she's 5!' Vivian never ever tried to climb out and absolutely adored sleeping in her crib.

Over the Summer she had a few sleepovers at her cousin's, who's only 9 weeks younger, and got to have a slumber party in her big girl bed.  She also noticed at play dates that her other friends have big girl beds. So it happened. She asked for one of her own. 

I took her on a girls weekend to the beach just her and I and my college friends and while there decided she didn't want to sleep in her travel bed but in the big guest bed. I felt the tears come up. Sigh. I let her and she LOVED it! I knew then we couldn't wait until her birthday like I had hoped.

Last Night in Her Crib

The funny thing is, once her new bed & mattresses arrived and we got her bed all set up, she refused to sleep in it and insisted that she always sleep in her crib. BLESS! After a week we took the crib down and she's been happily napping and slumbering each night in her princess bed.



This dresser is so very very special! It was part of my Mamma's bedroom suit as a young girl that was passed down to me growing up, then my youngest sister and now Vivian. I am over the moon to have these heirlooms. It served as a changing table these past 3 1/2 years and now it's her place to put on her jewelry and display pretty things. All I did was add the mirror & a fresh coat of paint to it.

I wanted her new bed to be white to compliment the heirloom furniture and because there is so much color already in her lavender walls and rug. I chose a tall four poster bed because I like how grand & traditional they are. I also think they make the room seem taller.  We have one in our master bedroom and I feel like a princess in it.

I chose simple white bedding with pink trim. Personally, I'm a big fan of duvets so that I can easily swap out the covers for aesthetic and cleaning purposes. 

I took down her framed heirloom dresses from the wall and other 'baby' decor #tear. Babies do not keep!

This rocking chair is so special as I've spent time in it praying over her, singing, reading and just loving on her since I was pregnant. With each new season I pray I spend it intentionally so that I don't look back with longing and look forward with excitement.

Four Poster Bed | Bedding

Dress Your Rooms Beautifully in All Seasons

XOXO Sarah-Louise

Sep 17, 2021

Friday Favorites: Crisp White Tops

 TGIF! I unapologetically hoard white tops. I just love the crisp fresh look. I feel brighter when I wear them. I credit my Mamma & her Mamma for this affinity as I share it with them. 

They make any outfit look and feel polished. They're also great for layering this time of year under knits and jackets.

Here are some really pretty crisp white tops ...

Ruffle Collar & Cuff Top

I have this top in white and green print!

looks designer but fabulous price

Dress Beautifully in a Crisp White Top

XOXO Sarah-Louise