Nov 10, 2023

Friday Favorites: Straight Jeans

 TGIF! This has not been an ordinary week. Vivian was out of school Monday, Tuesday and today. We surprised her with a trip to the zoo, an afternoon bike ride and today a breakfast date and trip to visit Grandma! 

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and I find it of upmost importance to honor and give thanks to all of those who have and are serving. Ryan is a Veteran and I am so proud of all he did and sacrificed for our country.

For fashion, I want to discuss jeans. Jeans while a classic staple are not basic. There are so many variations of designs and washes it can be overwhelming. I believe a great place to start is with the most flattering, the straight leg jean. 

The straight leg jeans is the most slimming, elongating and comfortable (at least in my opinion). The leg extends straight from the hip down to the ankle with an ever so slight taper. This creates a shape that isn't voluminous or constricting.

Style Tip: The hem of jeans is critical. A hem that hits right at the ankle (bunching will shorten the look of the leg) is ideal and will allow the jean to work with literally every single kind of shoe: sneakers - sandals - boots & heels. 

Style Tip: I cut the hem of my jeans all the time and honestly prefer a raw hem as I find it lighter than the thick traditional hem ... I will be hemming these with a pair of scissors!

Here are some great straight leg jeans ...

my most worn jean!
several washes

several washes

splurge but I wear all the time

great price!

Dress Beautifully in a Straight Jean

XOXO Sarah Louise

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