Jul 15, 2024

Chartreuse Sunroom

 Every now and then I get a 'wild hair' ... meaning a spontaneous impulse to do something. Most often it's a home design project and sure enough this weekend that was the case! I had actually decided when making my Summer list that I wasn't going to tackle any rooms until after school started. I should know myself better haha

I decided to add chartreuse paint to our sunroom! 

Our sunroom is the room that literally lights up my days. It's surrounded by windows where I can see the sunrise, bird watch and enjoy the beautiful scenery of God's creation. It also houses bunny Ethel and several plants I've been tending for years.

I've felt like the white walls, while clean and bright were not complimentary to the rich bold colors in the room or the nature surrounding it.

Now the art, furniture, floor and windows really POP!!!

Since purchasing our home we've designed this room to look like a conservatory with classic black & white tile flooring, bold tropical furniture and pretty art.  This post shares our sunroom transformation from the beginning. 

Fun Fact: I painted the sunroom in our first home the same chartreuse color.

Tip: I paint the air vents and switch/outlet plates.

Like my gal pals says "white wall are not me!"

Dress Your Home Beautifully with Color

XOXO Sarah Louise

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