Dec 4, 2023

Deck the Halls

Every year I find more and more joy in decorating our home for Christmas.  It's not about the grander or perfectly staged arrangements but the beauty in the sentiment! 
The happiness of the season is sprinkled throughout each room with reminders of the blessings that Christmas brings.

This year I tied red velvet bows on our tree
Ryan insists we get a real tree every year 

Every single item displayed was either handmade, gifted, passed down in my family or purchased at a thrift/antique shop. I'm traditional when it comes to decorating and love beautiful things. I hope by sharing them it inspires you to create Christmas beauty in your own home. 

I hope you enjoy our decked halls!

Vivian's friend gifted her this Olaf blow up - dreams come true!
Our live wreath was purchased from her classmate's boy scout troop

We place our nativity front and center in the entryway 

Our banister might be my favorite!
I love the big red velvet bows & live garland (Trader Joe's) 

I added a plaid runner this year and little gold trees
The lace tablecloth & placemats I've had for years
One thing that's missing is my Christmas dishes!
I use them all month long

I decided to incorporate my silver tea set this year.
Vivian picked out these two porcelain angels.

I find red poinsettias so bold and pretty.
I've been placing them in champagne/ice buckets as vases for years
I also love hanging wreaths with more red velvet on all the windows in our sunroom.

I don't have a lot of Santa decor but I find this to be so nice!
I have lots and lots of Christmas linens! I hang the tea towels everywhere I can 
and use these cocktail napkins when hosting.

PS Frasier fur candles are the best smell of the season

I went around and tied red velvet ribbon on just about anything that wasn't moving.

We have two matching couches that face each other with matching pink pillows but
the one Vivian made us in preschool is the sweetest!

Along with a wreath hanging in the window & towels, 
I display old Christmas cookbooks and a platter that matches our dishes.

In Vivian's bathroom I hang embroidered towels.

What an absolute gift it is to have 3 stockings hung on our chimney!!!

Dress Your Home Beautifully for Christmas

XOXO Sarah Louise

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