Dec 18, 2023

Pretty for the Arts

Last night I took Vivian Louise to her first performance of The Nutcracker Ballet!
This is an evening I've looked forward to for quite some time. Now that she's nearly six and been a dancer herself for 3 years she it was just right for her to appreciate and enjoy the show.

And she did just that! 
In fact during intermission she was dancing in the aisle with dreams of performing herself one day.
The show was magical for her, for me and our friends! 

I chose a lace blouse I found at a resale shop for under $4, wide leg black trousers and matching beige handbag. I believe small handheld bags are more delicate and demur. 

Note: neutrals, contrasting colors and fine fabrics make the look luxurious but they don't have to come at a high investment! 

Performance art is enjoyable while also memorable. It's best shared with others and in doing so, adorned beautifully.

This top had functional satin buttons so it did require a helping hand to dress.

Whether you're attending a ballet, symphony or play I believe these events call for elegant attire.
Ladylike designs in fabrics such as satin and lace accompany the occasions perfectly.

Here are pieces I find so pretty for attending performance art ...

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