Dec 1, 2023

Friday Favorites: Fleece

 TGIF! It's the 1st day of December and I couldn't be more energized. Our home is almost complete with Christmas decorations (I'm hoping to finish today), we've seen a Flotilla, a garden of Christmas lights, finally have a blow up outside and my dear friend is visiting this weekend for my first Christmas soiree.

hits at the hips - true to size I'm XS

In years past Christmas was not the most wonderful time for me but I've grown to adore it by embracing the joy and magic.

PS gifting is not my love language (in fact when taking the quiz neither Ryan nor I have 1 answer that matches) so I don't share a lot on it but rather focus on the meaning of the season and loving others with sentiment and time.

It's an obvious fact that my fashion style is far from casual but I do love warmth and cozy in the winter.

my 1st fleece

I found small business Dudley Stephens (which has grown so much!) who designs these fleece turtlenecks several years ago and fell in love! They're made from recycled materials and have a chic design with the structured funnel neck. What started with their signature tops has now expanded to a diverse line of apparel.

I added this style under the tree this year

I ask for a new fleece every year for Christmas and wear them so so much whether with jeans or dressy with a skirt or layered over a dress.

Bonus: Now is a great time to purchase for yourself or others during holiday sales!

Dress Beautifully in Fleece

XOXO Sarah Louise

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