May 13, 2024

Strut Strong

I do not like my legs. Not even a little.

Every Spring I get uneasy thinking about having to wear shorts, miniskirts and swimsuits. I know I can’t be the only one and that there’s a lot of gals out there that have areas of insecurity that haunt them. 

The things is I work tirelessly to make my legs strong, fast and capable and yet I find myself discontent. 

I’m a super private person so sharing this personal struggle is beyond hard but I pray this post encourages others. 

Here are 3 ways I’m working to love my legs …


My body, including my legs are a gift. A gift I do not own but rather that I am called to use. I want to use my body to go out and shine my light. I can show up to places and bless others without letting the worry of my appearance hinder. 


I don’t want to waste a second missing out because I’m too self conscious. I’m going to run on the beach in my bathing suit, play outside in shorts, go out on the town in a mini hem line and have fun with the people I love. 


Just because I’ve always disliked my legs doesn’t mean I always have to. I get to decided how I feel and think. God made me uniquely and purposefully. When I start to compare myself to others I can remember that I’m made specifically to look like me. I do the work at the gym to tone them and eat good nutrition to nourish them and that’s enough. 

My controlling nature tries to rule over my body and that can often spill over into my relationships in a negative way.  

I’m not sure I will ever feel the way I want but I do have a new mindset that I’m working hard to have so that I can step out confidently. 

Wherever you struggle, I hope that you know that God made your body beautiful and just for you! 

Use it for good - Enjoy it - and Wear what you want!!!

Dress Beautifully in Your Body

XOXO Sarah Louise

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