Jul 10, 2015

Around Here ...

I'm sorry there hasn't been any posts recently - rest assured beautiful outfits are coming soon!

Here's a look at the what's been going on around here....

      Every year for the 4th of July we head to my family's beach house with our friends to celebrate

Location! Location! Location!

There's nothing like sitting on the dock 

And of course coffee 
Pj's: Malabar Bay 

Sittin in the Sand

Bikini: Trina Turk

There's Always Fireworks 

Ice Cream - a beach tradition 
Shorts: Lilly Pulitzer 

We bought a House!
Our days of coastal living are numbered and we are headed back to city living in Charlotte!
The Queen City is where I was born and raised and I couldn't be more exited to return.
Sadly, Mr won't be joining for the first year. He will be living overseas protecting our freedom as a Naval Battalion Surgeon  - I'm focusing on how proud I am of him, embarking on a new career, decorating our new home and soaking up time with family and friends
You must always find the silver lining

Dress: J Crew

Home Sweet Home

It took 5 years of hunting but finally found the perfect buffet! 
Can't Wait to Put This Antique Beauty in our New Home 

I must confess, it's been nice to take a break from the computer and just enjoy life's moments but I've missed sharing beautiful looks with you! 

Dressing beautifully is a lifestyle to me, whether it's casual or professional it makes me feel good  :) 

Dress Beautifully Even on Vacation

XOXO Sarah Louise


Anonymous said...

The house is beautiful!!!! And I'm a little jealous of you moving back home - while I don't miss the go-go-go of Charlotte, I miss my family terribly. I can't wait to see how you decorate your new home in your new zip code!

Dress Beautifully said...

Thanks so much!!! I'm tickled pink to not have to travel to see family & friends - I am quite the opposite, very eager to get back to the go-go-go of Charlotte! I miss the hustle of my corporate career, working on public policy, the Junior League, and of course the shopping!!
I've done my best to embrace this coastal small town & military life and I'll always be grateful for all that I've learned but definitely a Queen City gal at heart!
Seriously flattered you read along and are interested in the decor project - I've got ants in my pants to decorate :)