Aug 30, 2023
Purple Reign
Aug 28, 2023
Things to Know
Tomorrow our darling is off to kindergarten!
There’s a big big world out there for her full of opportunity and while the future is a mystery there are things I want her to know to help her and will tell her often as my Mamma told me …
My Mamma shared these words of encouragement with me during my childhood and even still to this day at 40 years old.
I will share them with Vivian as much as I can to instill in her confidence in who she is and who’s she is, a child a God who loves her, made her and has a wonderful will for her life.
I hope these words of wisdom encourage you.
Dress Beautifully in Wisdom
XOXO Sarah Louise
Aug 25, 2023
Friday Favorites: What to Wear
Aug 23, 2023
Black But Balanced
Gals, I rarely, and I mean rarely wear black. I reserve it for times of mourning which I hope remains rare. But in a sense I am in mourning. I'm mourning the end of our Preschool era this week. I'm not an emotional person and don't mind change, but the end of this season with my darling little girl has my heart in a fragile state.
Let's chat about the color black. It's dark! I'm a very light person full of energy and excitement; therefore I typically dress myself in colors that suit me in the light and bright shades. But black is chic and sharp! It's sophisticated and no one can argue, flattering! It creates a deep blank canvas that contrasts allowing other features to shine.
This jumpsuit fits like a glove! The fabric is substantial with a sturdy stretch to it. This allows for a fit that 'holds you in' and hugs beautifully on the body. The cross over v-neck is elongating, the collar polished, the short sleeve slimming and the wide leg adds a feminine silhouette.
or casual with sneakers and a denim jacket.
Versatility makes this a winner!!!
Bonus: The front oversized pockets smooth the transition from hip to leg - flattering!
Now, I know jumpsuits are tricky with the ergonomics of undressing with every trip to the ladies room, but this one has a back zipper making it fast and easy.
It does come with a self fabric belt which I preach over and over is stylish to replace with a true belt that adds shine, texture and interest to an otherwise monochromatic look.
I chose a hot pink to balance the darkness and add a pop of ME.
Note: a monochromatic palette is slimming and classy so you don't have to break it up but I would add jewelry.
Dress Beautifully in Black
XOXO Sarah Louise
Aug 21, 2023
Every Fall & Spring semester I've participate in a ladies bible study at a local church for over 10 years. I learn so much and grow not only in my faith but in friendships too.
This Summer my dear gal pal and I wanted to find a study that would keep us in the Word, not too strenuous (while there is no school the season is FULL!) and was interesting. I found this study on an online search and it immediately got my attention. I started studying women of the Bible with my high school class on Sunday mornings 2 Summers ago and we all really enjoyed it. I find it relevant and important!
This is a 6 week study on 6 women in Jesus' genealogy! There were 5 lessons each week, with questions and relative content from the author.
Aug 18, 2023
Friday Favorites: Long Denim Skirt
There's so much 'Fall' out right now, but here, in the South, it still feels like we're sitting on the surface of the sun. I can't imagine putting on a pair of blue jeans much less boots.
A compromise ... a long denim skirt. It has the coverage and look but with more breathability and can be paired with a light cotton top & sandals now and sweaters and boots later.
Note: This is a very on trend style this season and also flattering!
Here are some chic long denim skirts ...
3 additional wash colors
Aug 16, 2023
Life is too short ...
Hi!!!! - from me at the beach
Aug 14, 2023
Be Sweet & Stay Cool
I went into this Summer with a goal of having as much fun as possible! It’s my last one with Vivian before she starts Kindergarten and being present with her takes priority over any to-do list I make (I’ve flexed on the list but I didn’t abandon).
Our adventures have been fairly simple and mostly took place right in our backyard, at the pool, on the playground and with several trips to the beach!!!
All of these places and the faces we’ve shared them with are wonderful but it’s our attitudes that make for the best Summer ever!
Be Sweet & Stay Cool
This has been our Summer motto! While it may seem like a catchy encouragement for littles, I find it meaningful for us grown gals too. Like ice cream we can be a refreshing treat amongst the Summer heat.
When we approach others and situations with sweet actions and a cool head we bless others, ourselves and the time we share.
We can be sweet …
With our words
- genuine compliments (preferably on things like one’s character or talents over appearance), avoiding gossip (sharing is NOT caring when it comes to another's business) and with caring messages or notes.
With manners
- be observant & include others, help a neighbor or friend, and with simple acts of kindness (as small as sharing a smile can bless another)
We can be cool …
With our reactions
- Staying calm in the chaos of the unexpected, pray before speaking & acting, and having a gentle spirit.
With our choices
- doing what’s right, exercising patience and putting others above ourselves.
Dress Beautifully Being Sweet & Staying Cool
XOXO Sarah Louise