Dec 16, 2019

Mamma Monday: Honor & Love of Motherhood

Happy Monday Mammas!  I'm sorry this post is so late today - so many distractions & fun today.  This afternoon Vivian had her picture taken to capture her for her 2nd birthday which is in 12 DAYS!!!
I am so crazy excited! What I'm not is sad.  I'm not sad at how fast the time flies or how much she's grown and I don't look back missing her baby days.  I cherish each day with her. Make the most of the moments Mammas!

Yesterday at church our Pastor spoke to us about what it must have been like for Mary as the mother of Jesus.  It touched my heart greatly.  Now that I am a mother I grasp the sacrifice and unconditional love for your children.

Mary trusted.  Mary was a servant. Mary accepted the honor that God gave her, despite the shame that was to come upon her for being an unmarried woman with child.

She abandoned her life to God in trust. She was not an exception but what all our lives should pattern.

Read Luke 1:46-55

It wasn't about what she did but what was done through her!

I understood the honor it is to carry a child for the first time at the ultrasound for our first baby over 3 years ago. What a privilege it is to see life.

Motherhood can be filled with lots of worry and pressures.  What if instead of worrying about all the what ifs and trying to live up to silly pressures of what social media says we should be as Mammas,  we trusted in God? What if we were servants to Him?

Mary's acceptance of God's plan for her was selfless.

We as Mothers are not worthy. But God has blessed us anyway because he Loves!

This Christmas season my prayer is that we have the trust and selflessness of Mary.
That makes us the mothers God wants us to be.  The toys, outfits, and events that we put so much effort into is not what's most important (I'm not saying don't do them) but the quality time spent together that honors Him is!

Dress Beautifully as a Mamma Full of Honor & Trust in God

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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