Sep 23, 2020

English Garden

Style is all about incorporating things that you love. Colors, florals, embellishments and design.  I love blue & white (it's the palette for my home decor), hydrangeas (they're my sister's favorite and I adore her) and a touch of modern details on classic silhouettes. 

This dress spoke to me for all of these pretty elements. It made me feel like I belonged in an English garden sipping tea. #pinkiesup
I watched it for months, waiting for it to go on sale and when it did and arrived at my home it sparked joy!

As I always do, I replaced the fabric sash with a belt of my own.  I love that the sleeves don't overwhelm my arms/hang over my hands. The fabric has the most subtle luxurious texture. Its almost an all season dress and certainly fits across many occasions.

Wear pieces that incorporate the things that you love!

Dress Beautifully in English Florals

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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