Sep 11, 2020

Friday Favorites: Tie Dye

 TGIF! What a great first week of Fall ... well it's not technically Fall (9/22) and it certainly doesn't feel like it but Labor Day has past and since school, or something like it, is back in session we'll just say it's Fall. 

Speaking of school, Vivian has had a wonderful first week back at preschool in the 2's class.  She's going all 5 days of the week this year and I'm so happy for her.  The hardest part is trying to contain her excitement as we wait in the carpool line for drop off. 

Speaking of fun, is there a kid out there who hasn't created a tie dye t-shirt at a birthday party or summer camp? It's one of those essential childhood crafts. The bright colors and psychedelic patterns are bold and playful but they can also be very youthful and casual.

They key to incorporating the smeared palette of colors without looking like a teen, is in the design of the garment and shades of the colors. In a blouse, skirt or dress you eliminate the adolescent vibes found in loungewear. 

Here are some tie dye pieces that are chic and colorful for us seasoned gals ...

3 color options

Tip: Darker neutrals are great to balance the colors in a tie dye print

Dress Beautifully in Tie Dye

XOXO Sarah Louise

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