Jul 18, 2022

Lift Me Up

Sometimes I need a little help? You? I can forget that easily as I'm always lifting, holding, and caring for my darling, husband and others. We all need a little boost to see things better, encourage us to keep going and steer us back on the path. 

Here are some ways we can lift each other up ...

1. Scriptural Encouragement - there's enough worldly opinions out there to drown you but the truth of the word will always be right. Giving each other biblical truths is better than any motivational quote or insight we could ever come up with.

2. A Listening Ear - gracious I have lots to work on with this one (I'm a talker!) Listening is such an impactful way of being there for someone. Giving another the space to share without interruptions, judgements and directions shows that you value them and what they are experiencing. 

3. Laughter - Enjoying the blessings around us sheds light on darker times. The good with a side of humor can soften the severity and our perception on the whole thing. Adjusting our feelings helps us see the facts for what they are. Laughter is extremely contagious and best spread to all! 

Let's praise each other without jealousy, love without judgement and be generous without keeping score. 

Dress Beautifully Lifting One Another Up

XOXO Sarah Louise

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