Apr 12, 2024

Friday Favorites: 3D Florals

 TGIF! This week has been full of new and exciting things. On Tuesday I started a new morning bible study on the book "None Like Him", and on Wednesday I embarked on a 27 week bible study with my church on the book 'Living by the Proverbs' and I'm hosting it at my house!!! Lots of Jesus and I'm here for it! 
Vivian finally lost her front tooth and gracious does she look so grown. Last night Ryan surprised me with an early birthday date night with dinner and a candle light concert by the Charlotte Strings playing music by the one and only Taylor Swift! #AMAZING. 

I came home from Spring Break to leaves on the trees and flowers coloring the yards. While florals for Spring are in fact not groundbreaking I do find 3D floral appliqués so. They add texture and boldness in way that's still soft and pretty.

Here are some 3D options ...

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