Apr 27, 2024

Girls Trip Essentials

 It's not Friday, I missed posting yesterday. I'm giving myself grace. Last week was so full with my job and preparing for a girls trip I'm currently on in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I love traveling with my gal pals for so many reasons but one of the biggest is the crazy amount of laughter and the adventure.  I'm not brave when it comes to trying new things but with these gals I've make it a point to do one thing a year that scares me.  I've ridden in a helicopter through the mountains of Lake Tahoe and today we are going zip lining! #terrified 

Traveling is much different than spending day-to-day time with others. There are special elements to be considered such as finances, interests, logistics and personalities. 

Here are my favorites to bring on a girls trip:


It's essential to be positive, flexible and accommodating to the other girls.
Compromise is key to ensuring everyone is enjoying.


My precious friends decorate our room to celebrate my 41st birthday yesterday!
They made me feel sooooo special!!!

Everyone brings things to the group. I carry the role of capturing photos & videos, doing hair and make up and the overall enthusiasm. One gal is awesome at planning the logistics and keeping the calm. The other has us dining well, is assertive in getting all our needs/wants met and keeping us very entertained. 


Not everyone is a morning person or likes the outdoors, puzzles, shopping or napping ... you get the idea.
Being respectful and enduring others' interests goes along way. 
Currently my friends are still sleeping while I'm tucked away writing. 

I encourage you to travel with your gals pals & try something new together!
(3-4 is a great size group but if you have more, cheers!)

Dress Beautifully on a Girls Trip

XOXO Sarah Louise

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