Apr 15, 2024

Right Out Back

 With Spring Break just behind us and Summer ahead there can be lots of talk about vacations, plans and activities. That talk can get us super excited for the fun adventures but it can also create a variety of feelings if we don't have a full calendar. 

Just recently Vivian came home with fairy house figurines from the Dollar Tree (it's her new favorite store!!!). We made a fairy garden at the base of one of our old trees and used pebble's she collected from our trip to the beach a couple weeks ago. It was the most fun afternoon and we enjoy going outside to play & make believe!

Personally, I have found that some of the most fun and memorable moments I have with my family are right out in our back yard.

It's home. It's where we are. It's us and the trees, grass and sun. 

It's not fancy or big but it is ours.

Here are some ways to make magic right out back ...


S'mores and conversation are soooo good!


1 of my favorite things about our backyard is my hammock.
You can find me reading in it all Summer long! (maybe even a little nap)


This is our friend's backyard - isn't it magical?!!
We have a swing that my Mama gave me and I sit in it often.


Outside is where I do most of my reading.
Actually I do as much of anything as I can outside!


We are scaling back this year (we've recognized our limits and the perseverance of deer)



the BEST!
You don't need a Country Club to feel or be cool! 



Dress Your Memories Beautifully in the Backyard

XOXO Sarah Louise

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