Jan 25, 2019

Friday Favorites: Encouragement

Gals, I'm currently on vacation ... ok we are just visiting Mr's parents on the NC coast but hey we are away from home and Mr's not working (he rarely has time off #marriedtomedicine).
We are even squeezing in some time with friends :)

So I'm soaking up ALL the family fun time!

And even though this was a short week, since we left Wednesday afternoon, I promised I'd do better so I'm squeezing in a Friday post for you.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes to encourage you this weekend. I pulled them from my Pinterest board ... I've been reunited with Pinterest a lot lately. I've been pinning things for our home since we are decorating and soon renovatio, I've discovered lots of neat things as a first time Mamma for me and the baby, and of course fashion inspiration.

Gals, I firmly believe in getting dressed every day.  Yes, I chill in jeans. 
Treat each day like the precious gift that it is and give it your best.

Always start the day with a grateful heart!

I highly recommend exercise for the 'something'.  You will NEVER regret a workout!


The Mamma life is full of challenges but it's the BEST life. 

Reach out to someone and let them know just how appreciated and special they are.

Dress Your Heart Beautifully

XOXO Sarah Louise

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