Apr 24, 2020

Friday Favorites: Blazers & Shorts

TGIF! Although Ryan just pointed out to me that every day feels like Friday.  While true, this one is especially exciting because it's my birthday eve! I always reflect around this time on the past year of my life and what I want the next one to look like.  Every year, well day actually, is a gift and I want to live like it.
I'm going to just put it out there that I'm pretty darn proud of what my 36th year looked like.  It wasn't perfect but by the grace of God I've grown and learned and hope to continue on that path for my 37th.

During my MOPS meeting on Zoom this morning we all were asked to share a quote that inspired us.  I didn't even attempt to select a bible verse because there are just way too many that encourage me so I went with this one ...

It's me to a T

And when it come to getting dressed I like a little bit of business and a little bit of fun.  It's called balance gals.  Pairing a blazer with shorts is one of my favorite ways to showcase my personality in a chic way.  Polished pieces are my favorite but I've come to love incorporating more fun in my style.  This contrasting combination speaks to both elements of me. This is also the best time to wear an outfit like this because it's warm enough for shorts but you won't melt in a jacket.

This is also a fabulous example of creating versatility in your wardrobe.  Make the most out of your investments by stretching your office apparel into a casual setting.

Note: This doesn't go the other way ... you can't make shorts work in the office. Sorry.

For your next evening or weekend outing try business on the top and party on the bottom with a blazer & shorts ensemble!

Here are some great blazers & shorts ...


3 Neutral Color Options
Fitted, popped collar, and 4 season stretch

6 Color Options
Linen, a light luster and hint of stretch for ease
Perfectly light and polished for the warmer months!

4 Color Options
Slim design and open front to show off your favorite top

3 Color Options
Nipped waist and pleated back for an extra feminine layer.

2 Color Options
Polished and practical for the warm seasons


2 Color Options

6 Color Options

Dress Beautifully in a Blazer & Shorts

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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