Apr 6, 2020

Mamma Monday: Love Grows Here

Happy Monday! And welcome to our garden ...

This is the second year we are growing a garden and I dare say it's more fun than the first. Vivian is truly a helper and there's a whole lot less work this go around.
We had a lot of clean up to do when we purchased our home.  Read all about our garden before and after here on last year's post.  I imagine it will look different each year as we improve and modify it.

Like everything in my world, I like spaces tidy so we kept the plants simple with just tomatoes, peppers and herbs. It is a confined space right alongside our home so vine plants would not be a good fit. We will just have to stick to purchasing our squash and cucumbers.

I'm sharing this to encourage you to consider growing plants, and to teach your children to grow plants.  I used to think my Mamma and Grandma were a bit silly for putting so much time and effort into growing vegetables when it was a whole lot easier to just buy them from the store.  Then you take that bite of the first mater sandwich of the year and you get it!

Gardening is laborious work and often in the heat but it can also provide sweet quiet time to pray, reflect on the day and enjoy the company of your littles right in God's creation.
It changes our daily routine for half the year but in the happiest of ways.  We are outside first thing creating fun and special memories. We occasionally run through the water hose laughing til our bellies hurt!

We are spending time caring for our plants each day, patiently watching them grow. In the garden of life, patience is a fruit of the Spirit. When we spend time with God, we become more like Him, and He is overflowing with patience. 

Whether you have hanging baskets, pots by your front door or a simple house plant by your desk, add some living plants to your world.  I promise they will be a blessing to care for.

I love this old iron planter my Mamma gave me

Naturally I had to add style to our garden with some geranium flowers, and only pink would do.  They were my Grandmother's favorite and now mine.  I also have had such great luck keeping them blooming right into the Fall season.

And for fun we have a bunny the previous owners left us and a cat that I found buried in our previous home's backyard that looks just like our late Mr. Scragley.  Oh how I giggle every time Vivian comes into the garden and tells them hello, often with a kiss.

We all know how fast time goes by.  We grow and things change day by day but we can make fun memories to cherish along the way. And delicious veggies too :)

Dress Beautifully in a Place Where Love Grows

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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